this place is gone! it could flashover any second!
no. you don't need to see 'em that way, gordo.
if he's not bleeding to death, leave him. he's not moving till they do.
this guy didn't do the bombing, gordo. he's just trying to get the people who did.
we're gonna roll you to the hospital now and get that glass out.
hang on.
tell me about it.
he's shut down.  we were hoping they'd keep him here, and he wouldn't have to go home right away, but they're cutting him loose.
rookie's taking the first shift. i'm just getting the schedule at the firehouse rearranged now.
haven't heard from you in a couple days.
yeah. i can see that.
hey, we never turned down free beer, and rookie's buying, you believe that? he certified today, he's off probation.
yeah. let's go tell him that.
c'mon, gordo.
we aren't gonna let 'em drink all the beer, are we?
low on beer, ronnie.
i'll tell you what'll be great: when you get back to work with us.
fucking doorknob they put in temporary command.
this guy, quaddafi, that bin laden.  we never get these assholes.
it'll be good to get you back.