who were the brass, and why were they here? check the surveillance cameras? where's n.y.p.d. on this? anybody talk to him yet? put that tape out fifty more feet. chalk 'em and move 'em. we gotta get on this quick. i need to talk to him. mr. pitt, if you can you tell me. what'd you see? i know this is hard. i'm sorry i had to bother you. joe phipps. f.b.i. counter- terrorism task force. what got this place blown up? whatever it takes. but i got a bomber in the wind. i need everything you can give me, and i need it now. how long before we have a secure computer network? what do you got? do it. run a total analysis. i want to know if this asshole's right or left-handed. i want everything you can get outta this film. any helpful information coming outta colombia? the cart was stolen from the central park precinct yesterday. the bomb's in the cart. we think the bomb was triggered by a cell phone. the guy doesn't have one in his hands here. did you see a cell phone when you ran into him? how much time passed between then and the explosion? we think maybe he got into the brown ford. you see him then? we might need to call you in again to look at some photos. mr. ortiz-dominguez has agreed not to press charges if you make full restitution. take care of it. gordy, this is mike brandt. mike was in the motorcade that day. he's the chief u.s. intelligence officer overseeing colombia. i know it's hard for you right now, mr. pitt. we're all sorry. but why don't you go home. we're taking care of things. these buildings best match what you described to us. that's okay. we'll keep trying. double up on public venues: museums, theaters, transport. put in all the extra undercover we can. it's secure, and we can coordinate all departments here. my people will debrief you in another room. we'll take the boy to a safe house across the street. he'll be well cared for. that's okay. put it under total surveillance. get a bomb team in there with dogs. make 'em seeing-eye dogs if you have to. and pull whatever security video they have for the last two days. if we spook him, we don't know what his secondary target'll be. that's him, isn't it? he was there yesterday. just stood there and left. so far, the dogs haven't found anything, so maybe we're ahead of him. are you okay? get copies of this freeze frame to all the undercover people and the sniper teams. and nobody caps him until we get that bomb tagged. after that, i don't give a shit what happens to him. feeling better? we think the bomb was triggered by a cell phone. did you see a cell phone when you ran into him? she went to see her son.