are you alright? my name is selena. yes. i brought you food. are you so anxious to die? the men in jail with you in mompos. they say you talked to a man from the c.i.a. claudio used to be a teacher. i was a medical aid worker. we met in guatemala, in an indian village called guamaunco. we were married there. sophia, our daughter was born there. claudio was kind and loving, and we were happy. we were there four years when the civil war broke out. the guerrillas were all around us, but left us alone. then they made an attack on the army nearby. the next night, soldiers came to our village. they were led by american 'advisors'. they accused us of helping the rebels. our women were raped. our men were tortured. our homes were burned. we crawled out into the fields, but they threw grenades, and sophia. my baby girl was hit by shrapnel. she bled to death in claudio's arms. claudio joined the guerrillas. when that war ended, we moved to the next war, and the next. each fight has only deepened his hatred. and poisoned his soul. he's unable to love anything anymore. because i know he was a good man, who's been consumed by rage because of what he lost. just like you. not yet. i tried to stop him. he's gone back. yes. washington d.c. he had pictures of a building. i don't know. it's too late. no one can stop him now. i got down here from new york. i'm his wife. i can't. we're going with you. the guard is the only one close. when we're past him, we can slip into the jungle. mauro's waiting for us there. he's on the right. no needless killing. we have to swim. your hired soldiers can't shoot. i'm okay. he can't hear or speak. he's a war orphan. i adopted him. i know where we are. there's a secret trail nearby that leads toward mompos. it's just my arm. i don't recognize anything. i saw only parts of the building. i'm sorry. i think it's a public place. he said he wanted the people of america to feel the terror. 'terror is all they understand.' he said it over and over. no. no. no. i'm sorry. no. no. he had that book! let me see it! that's it! please don't kill him. yes. he takes his time. like he told you, he enjoys it. i'm sorry. i think i'm going to be sick. i think i'd feel better if i could rest a little and see my son. one woman, one boy -- they mean nothing next to the thousands who've been slain. it will never end. please help me! he's trying to kill me!