you thought you killed me. you didn't. i'm still here. i swear that for every freedom fighter you killed, ten americans will die. and i will pick the time and the place. and i will enjoy it. venceremos. you bastard! you think you can kill the wolf?! you think you can kill the wolf?! you were just saved by your guardian angel. one of the men in the jail with you in mompos is dying. he was burned in your explosion. you want to kill me? come and kill me. you americans think you have all the answers. and really, you're so naive. you see one peasant with a gun, and you never ask why he has to have it. you just run to give your billions to the nearest soldiers, no matter how merciless or corrupt they are. that's why i'm teaching america a lesson. that's why there'll be more bombs. and more families like yours will pay the price.