fuck. ramone gallardo. supposed to take him for a drink. i come here, find this. four months. a low-level player, he's * been feeding me stuff on felix. since when is the lapd working for the * feeb? * besides, ramone flew out a window. my * c.i. flew out a window, he's got felix's handprints on his ass. yes? that makes it ours. ramone flew out the window. went * splat. here's the glass. * then some tires rolled over it. * sure. he's depressed. so he jumps four stories out a window onto his head. "wow, that feels better!" picks himself up. "now, i think i'll go on with the rest of my day" did he "see" it or did his seeing eye dog see it? remember fall, 2001? that bay area * deal? oakland. cabbie drove around * all night. killed three people. so the oakland pd detective, * whatshisname, never bought it. the cabbie had no criminal record. no history of mental illness. pops three people, then himself? and the victims weren't random. two were involved in some pharmaceuticals scam. anyway, the detective always thought there was somebody else in that cab. no. not ramone. try that one. no. next. why do you say that? yeah, i'm still at mlk. the john doe doesn't pan out. not ramone. but you'll never guess who else is in the meat locker. including my high-diving informant, ramone, who he represented, who's still missing. both of whom were in the exotic-substances business. in one night. something bad is going down. and i don't think the feeb know about it. detective ray fanning. lapd. major nar. has there been any unusual activity tonight? as in a murder or maybe a murder spree in wilshire central. hood's all beat to shit. sylvester for sure, ramone. so who's left? before you lose them, too. yeah, uh-huh. african-american, medium build, dark hair. are you sure? e-mail me his license. okay? i'll wait. anybody else in that cab? according to the cab company's dispatcher, this cabbie's been driving that cab for twelve years. so, you're telling me this cabbie walks into a phone booth and, shazaam, changes into a meat-eater, super- assassin? what's he do, squeeze 'em in between fares? the guy, who walked out, looks like this guy! what's vincent look like? i don't know. what are you gonna do? what if they're wrong? bullshit. there is something else going on. yeah. i know. relax. breathe. you're okay.