- unlike el rodeo's population - wears hermes bought in paris. reserved elegance.
i thought you'd be taller.
anyway i look at this, i see only one thing. i see one thing with you. here. tonight. i see trouble.
so. vincent. explain.
* vincent don't meet people. the jefes * in culiacan, bogota, maybe. but he * won't talk to you. but, now you are * here. okay. why?
"stuff"? your "stuff"?
i want you to listen to me real well. special teams put together that list * of"dedos." *
fingers. informants. * * signal intercepts, voice-recognizing * software, surveillance. very * expensive counterintel produced that * list. * an important list, wouldn't you say? and you "lost" it?
sorry? sorry does not put back together again humpty dumpty.
do you believe in humpty dumpty?
do you believe in santa claus?
neither do i. but my children do. they are still small. but do you know who they like even better than santa claus? his helper, pedro negro. black peter. there's an old mexican tale that tells of how santa claus got so very busy looking out for the good children that he had to hire some help to look out for the bad children. so he hired pedro. and santa claus gave him a list with all the names of all the bad children, and pedro would come every night to check them out. and the people, the little kids that were misbehaving, that were not saying * their prayers, pedro would leave a little wooden donkey on their windows. and he would come back and if the children were still misbehaving, he would take them away and nobody would ever see them again. now, if i am santa claus and you are pedro, how do you think jolly old santa claus would feel if one day pedro came into his office and said, 'i lost the list.'? how fucking furious do you think santa claus would get?!
so tell me, vincent. tell me what you think.
what did you say?
has, uh.
can you finish?
the last two.
do not fail.
very generous.
go to fever. he's met me. if it begins to go wrong, close his eyes. he cannot fall into their hands.