i know you're out there! answer the goddamn call! max? answer! vincent reaches across max, pulls the mike off the dash, holds it up to max's mouth. i got off the phone with the cops. a desk sergeant called to check you brought the cab in. so? so, aside from i hate talking to cops, they tell me you crashed the goddamn cab? do i care what, where or why? you're * payin'! bullshit! i'm making you liable! * it's comin' outta your goddamn pocket. you still there? i'm talking to you! max? max? who the hell are you? let's not get excited. i'm just tryin' to. to. max? maaax. pick up, you dipshit. maaaaaax! who are you? what are you guys, taking an all-night tour? nothing! aside from every night max's mother driving me crazy, i'm dancin' on a rainbow! may he come on the line, please. your mother's calling every ten minutes. why didn't he show? are you * all right? where are you? what am i, related to you? you tell her yourself!