yeah, hi, okay. agent frank pedrosa. yeah. you're welcome. how can i help? what's up? why do you wanna know about our case? as in. all quiet on the western front. various people are asleep. various people are not. they come and go in cars, pickups and taxis. other than that, we're watching air move. . your interest in our case? are you telling me ramone gallardo and sylvester clarke were murdered tonight? both killed? three witnesses. for a secret grand jury, secret my ass. * la101 to chase units. i want a three-car revolving tail on that cab. * la102 is on him, now, at el rodeo. we * will do a take-down of the cab with vincent in it before he gets where * he's going. * locate our witness, peter yip. wife, * girlfriends, mommy, daddy, whatever. * get him evacuated. get him safe. * * on the cab, the assault team, when * they are in place, will do the take- * down. do not spook him before. i want air support up and to maintain at 1,500 feet. so what? no. cabdriver max is floating down a storm drain. he is stuffed in the trunk of a cab. he is being devoured by flesh-eating stretococcus. 'cause he picked a cabdriver who looks like him. who knows. he's a ghost. vincent's not even his name. we do. guys with trigger time, skill * sets. real tradecraft. * . like, look like a "cabdriver." take down his ass. save our witness. you lost him? he can head anywhere out of lax. north or south on the 405, east on the 105, the 110. they locate peter yip? washington and crenshaw. move! la101 to la103, la104, la105. fever. after-hours club on 2407 washington, near crenshaw. pico union. hit it! there! we get yip out. you take vincent. * clean shots! watch your backgrounds. middle of the dance floor! there he is! in the upper thigh, slamming him face first to the floor.