you're a pretty angry young fella, aren't you? can't fight worth a damn though. kind of a loner, i'd say. fairly bright. a tad anti-social. mad at the world. can i buy you lunch? i could teach you at least thirty different ways to kill a man with a single blow, mr. barris. might help you in future bar fights. just a thought. oh, and there's money in it. good money. that sounds great, chuck. y'know, i've never known a television producer before. i'm impressed. well, i work for a government agency, and i can always use good, enthusiastic men to help me carry out my directives. problem solving work. for the office of diplomatic security. please be discreet, mr. barris. hardly. and you wouldn't be with the company. you'd be a contract agent. independent. no official tie to any agency. is that understood? as you know, i've been watching you. for years, actually. i've only let you know about it for the last week. i'm happy to report you fit our profile, mr. barris. are you interested in this work? are you interested in this work, mr. barris? the work we do is very serious. it's essential in quelling the rise of communism and allowing democracy to gain its rightful foothold around the globe. see, chuck, i knew you were fairly bright. listen, you're thirty-two years old and you've achieved nothing. jesus christ was dead and alive again by thirty-three. better get cracking. oh, good. why don't you spend another six months developing 'em while staring out the window at mommy's house next to poor dead albert the dog. i know everything about you, chuck. for fuck's sake, i know which hand you jerk off with. right. leave in the morning, if you want. but i'm here to tell you this is honest work for good pay. you'd be helping to make the world safer. and your country would be grateful. it'll toughen you up. salvador panagra renda, gentlemen. what have you got for me, manny? okay. chuck, you're here at 8:25. dress like a tourist. start walking north. you should pass renda here. stop him and ask him in bad spanish where the museum is. make sure he doesn't understand what you're asking. you'll be parked here. brazioni, you're behind the wheel. benitez, you're on the street leaning into the car chatting with benitez. when chuck stops renda, you turn to help with the directions, stick a gun into renda's ribs, and direct him into the back seat. chuck, you get in first. renda's between you and benitez. brazioni, whaddaya got? nice. you got suppresers with those, i'm assuming. glad to hear it. wasn't sure. poolside, chuck. hola, chuckito. que pasa? it's your job to follow directives, not question their validity. he's a bad guy, chuck. he's one of the bad guys. okay? don't fuckin' dance with me, barris. renda's bad for the tea and biscuit co. he's bad for me personally. you work for me, and renda's bad for me. you're now officially a patriotic citizen of the united states of jim byrd. there's no backing out now, chuck. we've let you in on everything. so you don't play, you don't leave mexico. comprende? i like you. i really do. and you're gonna do fine tomorrow. and we're gonna become great friends. and you're gonna have a very nice little career. but you've got to grow up. there's a war on. that's not your concern. beautiful country, isn't it? you did us proud, chuck. renda was a bad guy. he really was. boy, didn't i teach you anything? you're so rusty, it's embarrassing. can i buy you lunch? ah, lighten up, hombre. poor baby. look, i've been put in charge of a fairly large wet operation and i could use your help. i know you don't need to. but you'd like to. think of it as a hobby. an avocation. something you do to relax. you can be an assassination enthusiast, a murder bug. okay, i'll help you out with your little show. tit for tat. that's the kinda guy i am. i've seen this dating game of yours, chuck. and i have a thought. hey, i'm cia operative john q. public when it comes to tv and that should make my opinion of interest to you. well, what do you have now? the couple gets sent to some stupid second-rate hollywood shitcan restaurant, right? sets you back fifty bucks? that's not too exciting a prize to us vicarious- living boobs out in tv-land. up the stakes, chuckles. send 'em to some exotic locale. europe, southeast asia, for example. send 'em with a chaperone. some respectable old lady with a sewn closed snatch. i'm telling ya. and. and sometimes you can be the chaperone, chuckie. let's say we have a job for you in austria. you, a successful tv producer, above suspicion, chaperones the young couple, and while you're there, blam! you take care of some company business. it's the perfect cover. tv producer by day, cia operative by night. chuck, when i said you fit our profile, very little of that had to do with you needing the money. some of it, but very little. you liked it with renda, chuck. i saw it in your eyes. you liked it but you botched it. don't you want to get really good at something, chuck? hey, buddy. this is simon oliver. everything go okay? you don't look too good. chuck -- over here, strawberry-dick. we even know what she actually thought it tasted like. it's a "need to know", my friend. so tell me, what can i do you for? i got something for your head. so, did you have a nice flight? seems the kgb knew exactly what you were up to. you were there to kill colbert, they were there to kill you. i'm thinking we got a mole. so much hate in the world, chuck. jesus, yes. kgb didn't go out of business since yesterday, so far as i know. you're fucked, chuck. but our main concern should be: if they know who you are, they know who i am. bow out. lay low. that's what i'm gonna do. you're lucky you have another career to immerse yourself in.