mr. barris, do not ever again jeopardize one of my missions by killing a game show contestant. is that understood? do i make myself clear? amateur. lovely. tell me, mr. barris, are you in possession of my microfilm? let's have it then. what do you think patricia watson was? barris. chuck, chuck, chuck, don't be an orangutan. we always know where you are. we always know what you're doing. by the by, i'd think twice before i'd attempt to get that tripe you're writing published. and there's a typo on page -- i'd like you to come back for one last assignment, chuck. i think you might be interested when i tell you it's the mole who fingered your friends jim byrd and paul picard. and seigfried keeler. yes, of course he did. he threw himself from a twentieth floor window after he strangled himself to death with an electrical cord. as long as the mole's alive, you don't have a chance in hell of remaining so. besides, killing is in your blood, old man. you fit the profile. indeed. where to begin. first, let go of me. let's see. well, you had a twin sister, stillborn, strangled by your umbilical cord. your first hit, chuck. your mother always wanted a daughter. she blamed you for your sister's death. and, so, until your sister phoebe was born, she raised you as a girl. oh, and your father the dentist? not really your father. your biological father was a man named edmund james windsor. a serial killer. a fact your mother didn't know when she had an affair with him in 1930. if you want to look him up, he was also known as the tarrytown troll, because he had been described by witnesses as short and ugly. windsor died in the electrical chair at ossining in 1939. we believed your self- loathing tendencies coupled with that extra y chromosome and whatever else you inherited from your father would serve us well. i'm trying to think what more i can tell you. i'm sure there's more. but you have me at a disadvantage here, barris. i don't have your files in front of me. your mother always loved the game shows, and you so wanted to please her. we never expected the game show business to work out for you. but that it did, turned out to be in our favor. i guess your need to be a good daughter drove you more than we anticipated. agreed. but if you get antsy. and you will.