by you. especially the fog. it affords one solitude, even in a city full of people. yes, i gathered. here you go, chuck. cry out, "olivia!" very good, chuck. i'm pleasantly surprised. you're not like the other murderers. it's patricia, actually. and so then i spent a year in operation chaos, inside the anti-war movement as an agent provocateur, nudging it toward violence in order to discred it. that was fun. i got to wear granny glasses. i don't know. you're sort of cute in a homely way. and it's always lonely when that civilian you're fucking calls out the name off your fake passport. nabokov. no, baby. leave the microfilm in. leibchen. so, here's what we got. name's hans colbert. other side of the wall. we don't like him very much. you'll work with a kraut named keeler. he's been trailing colbert for a month now. knows the routine. keeler's a drunk, so you stay sober and take charge. prove how much you love me, baby. kill for me. then i'm all yours. chuck. i'm concerned about you. i think you need to get back into the life. our sex was always amazing after you killed. truth is you're not that great after your discussions with jamie farr. oh, c'mon. dinner sounds good with whom? you were supposed to meet me at the palm two hours ago. i do not get stood up. do you understand? are you serious? that's what i do for a living. you're dead in my book, strawberry-dick. there is no second chance. get it? nice meeting you, penny. i've heard a lot about you. oh, by the by, byrd's dead. i can't believe you finally left your two- hundred-dollar-a-night cave to see me. i'm honored. neitzsche said, "whoever despises oneself still respects oneself as one who despises." insane asylums are filled with people who think they're jesus or satan. very few have delusions of being the guy down the block who works at an insurance company. wonder what that means. chuck, what's gotten into you? you're actually acting like a gentleman. well, it's late. i should get going. no. but i'll show you. drink? i've been thinking a lot about you lately, chuck. i've missed you. well, i've mellowed. look. boston's a beautiful city. we could start over here. a normal person's life. together. selling insurance. to life.