get in. no time. get in or die. merde. kgb. they know who you are, monsieur barris. it is their intention to kill you very much in east berlin. not to worry, my friend. i am paul picard, by the way. nice to meet you. do not worry, i am not kgb. i do not want to kill you, i want you to live a long happy life and have many dancing grandchildren to admire. your ride, monsieur barris. it's quite reliable and easy to operate. it will get you over the wall. or you can stay here. in the german democratic republic. i will arrange for you to get a good factory job. no, you must fly, like daedalus before you, to the freedom of the west. they do not catch me, monsieur. this is my talent, to get away always. in guerre. in amour. this is my talent, and perhaps this is my curse. fly, daedalus, fly!