wow. now that's an exciting story. butch, has anyone ever tried something like this before? let's see. let's suppose he gets to customs and he gets caught. we get our money back, but then we have to deal with a criminal investigation. i don't much like that idea. then again, let's suppose he actually gets through customs. now, that'll be something. we recover the money in cash and let the insurance cover the corporate fraud. we double our money. i think so. the airport's going to be crawling with police. traffic will be a nightmare. go down to the bar. if they pull it off, great. have someone deal with ashby. and how much did you say you wanted for this. what did you call it? a finder's fee? reveal lily sitting on the couch in front of them, cell phone in hand. ten? that seems a little high. fine. but only if we recover the cash. have a little faith in him, honey. butch, see if you can get him to tell you how he did it. or almost did it. sounds like a good story. apple? cut to: