oops. she throws jake a smile he can't but help return. they stand for a second facing each other before she's whisked away by an older man, dressed in an expensive suit. oops. what is this? you guys cops or something? your what? jake takes her bag and dumps the contents on the floor-- a few wallets, a watch, even a wedding ring. jake picks up one of the wallets filled with cash. lily that's not-- sorry about your wallet, but if you think i'm going to suck dick over thirty seven dollars, a waxed out visa and a bad fake i.d., you're fucking crazy. jake. says who? oooh. sassy. what do you care who feels me up, jake? unless it kinda gotcha going. did it, jake? getcha going? lily saunters to jake with a seductive grin. jake may be aware that he's stopped breathing. she puts her hands on jake's chest and leans in a half inch more, her lips an eyelash away from his. she whispers. lily keep the wallet. we're even. take a deep breath. count to ten. and go fuck yourself. lily pushes past jake and heads out of the alley. gee thanks. now i don't have to find that bridge to jump off. jake catches up and blocks lily's way. here's my deal-- don't waste my time. what do you want me for anyway? you don't even know me. no. what's my cut? what do i have to do? make a wish. she points to a large digital clock hanging in a store window reading "11:11p". eleven-eleven. if you're superstitious, make a wish. i'm in. her eyes stay on jake as a smile grows across her face. cut to: we should ditch him. manly. what about customs? hey, i' m not just along for the ride, so i don't want to hear any bullshit later about a smaller cut. mr . king, i think--- you guys are freaking me out. what the hell's his problem? it's just that i left my asshole decoder ring at home, so how do i know not to worry? jake stops and turns to her, looking her up and down. what? why? you're just going to have to trust me. then show me how. cut to: uh. everything okay? it's okay. i'll be looking for earrings. jake gives lily another kiss before she leaves. he's gone. i gotta go get a haircut. nice to see you too. why are you getting so bent? she takes a step into the apartment. lighten up. you told me to change my hair! did i miss something? so much for that good feeling, huh? silence. jake can feel the eyes on him. guess he passed on that unlucky- asshole gene. lily looks down at jake and the gun pointed at his head. there's not even a hint of sympathy. you should have trusted me jake. cut to: sorry i'm late. lily appears next to the blonde. ashby looks around to make sure she's talking to him. but i'm not that late. you didn't have to give away my seat. no problem. the blonde woman leaves as lily sits down next to ashby. thanks for playing along. i just have to sit for a while. brutal day. they say the streets are lined with money down here, but i guess you have to know the secret handshake. what are you drinking? oh god. i'm overbearing and rude. lily. lily finn. they shake, ashby's demeanor brightening again. it's more like what aren't i doing. my partners and i are trying to secure start up capital for a small tech company. we tried the venture capitalist route in the valley, but then again who hasn't up there. that's right. so, brainiacs that we are, we thought we'd be innovative and relocate east. try our luck with a straight corporate loan out here. the drinks arrive. lily hands the bartender a twenty. on me. for the seat. cheers. she flashes a trademark smile as they clink glasses. so we've been meeting with banks all day. it's amazing how many ways they can say "no" without ever using the word. don't tell me you started a tech firm here before us. really? wish we had met eight hours ago. ashby nods and shyly looks away. he could be blushing. lily lets the moment play out for a beat before looking over her shoulder. my partners are here. ashby reverts back to schlub mode. you're welcome. i was just going to ask you if you'd like to join us. ashby brightens again. cut to: int.- the bull and the bear pub. table- later ashby sits with the crew, a few empty glasses in front of him. he looks remarkably relaxed, just another guy hanging around with a group of friends. so far, masters of our own demise. what bank are you with? it's alright. grant's one of the good guys. she throws ashby a flirty smile. we're getting down to the wire. apparently another company has a similar product in r&d right now. if they beat us to it. i' m going home look at you. you want to go. i think you'd do it for free. you' re almost drooling. you like the rush. why? your mother not breast feed you or something? do you have something to prove? i'm your basic underachiever. can't stand working and porn doesn't seem like a good option. whatever. but you. i get the feeling you could have bullshitted your way into anything. so why this? it's more than that. so that was my part? smile and shake my ass? how do you know i will? you have really soft hands. like a baby's. what? do you think we can do it? jake resumes kissing lily's neck, trying to rekindle some of last night's magic. who says you have to know the king to be in a whole? i actually did have a real job once. when i was in high school, i worked as a candy striper. not the way i did it. i was loaded half the time. i don't know how you could change bedpans sober. i used to hang out with this guy, glenn. he was an x-ray technician or something. he wasn't my boyfriend. i had a boyfriend at the time. what was his name? anyway, glenn was like thirty. i was only fifteen. but he was a nice guy. real sweet. liked to talk. we used to get loaded on pills from the nurses station and then listen to morrisey or some stupid shit like that. we were friends. i trusted him. i should have known it was weird. but, then again i was weird. no, we never got busted. we were done with a shift one night, both a couple of percocets down and i was telling glenn about my boyfriend, about how we were thinking about doing it, you know? i was thinking about letting him be my first because i loved him. what the hell was his name? sort of. i was telling him about this great love of my life who's name i don't remember, and i could see. he was getting pissed. i thought it was just because he was worried about me, but. then he grabbed me and threw me down on the floor, that really cold linoleum tiled hospital floor and started ripping my uniform off. he said he was going to "fuck some sense into me." jake stops kissing lily and looks up at her. shit, what was that guy's name? i really liked him. after glenn was finished, he gave me a couple of valiums and i went home. the next day, i finished my shift and met him around back, like we always did. i stuck a number eight scalpel into his chest. three or four times. jake slides off lily. i don't know. i packed up my shit and ran away. to this. so unlike you, i guess i do have something to prove, in a repressed anger sort of way. jake considers for a second. you know why i told you that, jake? because i trust you too. i can take care of myself. butch freezes as a police siren wails in the background, growing closer then fading again. he puts the gun back to jake's head. people don't like you much, do they? jake lets out a pained groan as they help him up. cut to: so what? we just stay clear of him. jake gets up, hard enough to knock the chair over. jesus. take it easy. that's it? what are you talking about? we can still do this! you are such a raving pussy sometimes. everyone's working an angle, right? what about. what about the money? jake stops and levels a look at lily. no, i want my cut! you're an asshole. with that, she grabs her coat and leaves. lupus sits quietly, taking it all in. i walked? let me tell you a story, asshole. cut to: jake? hold on. i just got out of the shower. more knocking. hold on! another knock. lily slowly reaches for the doorknob. then the door flies open with a crash. harlin fills the doorway. uh, right now? what? no problem. she grabs the smoking pan from the stove and whacks harlin across the head. the burned egg lands on the floor. lily watches as he sways and teeters on his feet, like a drunk. she raises the pan again. but before she delivers the final blow, harlin steps on the egg, causing his leg to shoot out from under him. he lands flat on his back, out cold. the wood floor creaks with his weight. lily wipes the blood from her nose and turns the hot plate off. cut to: your friend, big al? it should have been you. you got my cell. leave a message. only if--? no way. i want something for this. can we please all stop being so goddamnfucking-polite and get to the point? you sold me out. you should have trusted me like i trusted you. you fucked up. you fucked up huge. butch taps jake on the head with the gun. no, i want my cut! lupus watches quietly, taking it all in. cut to: int.- the euclid. bathroom lupus on the cellphone to the king. oops. she smiles that smile.