confessions of a poor brusher. moonan takes a second to remove his gum, then checks his teeth in the rearview mirror. cut to: ext.- street. brooklyn- same rottovich and sobozinski walk quickly down the street. ahead of them, the hooded figure approaches, his hands buried in his pockets, a knapsack slung over his shoulder. as he gets closer, we see that he's just a kid of about ten or eleven. rottovich reaches over and pulls off the kid's hood. gentlemen? special agent gunther moonan. moonan quickly flashes a badge and his best kodak smile. you are officer richard rottovich. and this would be officer walter sobozinski. i'm looking for jake vig. i've been looking for this jake vig for some time now. problem is, the guy's the invisible man. a spook, a spectre, a ghost. then, like a gift, jake's good buddy and member of his crew, alfonse moorely, is found the other day with a hole in his head. oh yeah, i almost forgot. the two serious looking gentlemen outside? internal affairs. the officers look out the window to see two serious looking men in suits. do you want to know the first time i had a line on vig? he sent me a birthday card. belated, but it's the thought, right? oh, this prick's got a sense of humor. but, then again you guys probably know him better than i do. in fact, i've only met the guy once. but now, now i have you. the next best thing. his partners. his "fix." you help me catch him. whatever he's into next, i want you to be into. and what you're into, i'm into. if it all goes well, those two guys from iad will never have to hear this tape. i'll clear you guys of anything you've ever done with vig under the guise of some cross-departmental investigation. this prick's been on the wish list for so long, you'll probably get gold shields out of it. peace of mind. not everyone's on the take, walter. i want him for something big and to do that, we have to catch him in the act. literally. it's not a bad deal, gentleman. i get peace of mind. you get detective sheilds. but this is the best part, walter. walter, your daughter will get to keep her braces and have that winning smile. capice? rottovich and sobozinski remain silent. good. one more thing. you gotta give up the booty. i can't have you guys running around with heroin. it's moonan. i'm in new york. listen, i got vig. he's here and i'm this close. look, i understand that, but i'm telling you this time. obsessive is a big word to use. goddamn it, lou! i'm telling you, this is it. yeah. i figured you'd feel that way. so here's the deal. call kylie over at the bureau. tell him i got something that might interest him. a guy they call the king pin. i think there may be a corruption case brewing here, too. that's right. so even if i don't get vig, you'll still have something to show. rottovich and sobozinski enter. you guy's are not working with me here. i just got off the phone with my boss. after he got done ripping me a new lincoln tunnel size asshole, he let me know exactly how little i'm welcome back if we come up short. and now here you guys are, wasting my fucking time! moonan kicks a chair across the floor. look, i'm not a confrontational person by nature. moonan walks over to the fallen chair and picks it up. i need answers and the only two things you've given me are jack and shit. you gotta do better. you gotta do better or i swear on my sweet dead grandmother's grave, i'm gonna make you guys an i-a-fucking-d cautionary tale. moonan kicks the chair down again, sending rottovich and sobozinski back a few steps. cut to: did he buy it? let's just say he burned me once. moonan calmly turns the page of the paper. shipment of what? find two cars. and change into plain clothes. after rottovich and sobozinski exit, moonan dials a number. it's moonan. tonight. jfk. international terminal. come heavy. cut to: you guys awake? stay sharp. moonan keeps his eyes on the customs desk. cut to: i got him. he's headed towards the eastern most exit. do not, under any circumstances approach. i want to follow this all the way down to vig. he just went into the crapper. hold your positions. harlin walks into the men's room half a minute after gordo. cut to: they pulled a switch. big guy. blue suit. keep on him. cut to: ext.- jfk airport. parking lot- continuous rottovich turns the walkie talkie off as he and sobozinski fall in behind harlin. angle on miles-- who steps out of his car, watching the little parade go by with a look of confusion. cut to: hello? can you hear me? moonan pulls the ear plug out and races down the hall. cut to: ext.- jfk airport. parking lot- same harlin gets to the king pin's car and opens the back door. as he crams the suitcase in, rottovich and sobozinski come up behind him, guns drawn.