why? park the car -- move the car. chaz shifts into reverse, moves the car three feet. there, i moved the damn car. well maybe if you had told me you were dropping a three-hundred pound mirror with a pissed-off demon in it i would have moved it further. chaz slams the hood. they slide into the car. well? shouldn't have cut your stay in the land of enlightenment. you were so close to growing a conscience. john grins, pulls his special lighter, lights a smoke and sits back. there are four bags. i have two hands. this give you any ideas? simple question. how much longer do i have to be your slave? john pulls a chain and a wall of window shutters open. how much longer? john doesn't like his tone. so what time you want me back? john gives him a knowing look, goes back to emptying his pockets. gee, thanks. chaz leaves. john removes a small black box from his jacket. he sets it carefully on its own shelf by the window -- stares out. two frogs on a bench. but chaz is stiff-armed because the back of this card shows a bear in a dress. what? but i'm with him! right, john? john? john glances back -- gives him an impassive look. chaz backs away, stares after him. someday. pass. john? it's raining! hey! angela watches john disappear in the rain, looks down at the empty cigarette pack. this is a private line -- john?! ah. 3rd and figueroa. yeah, but i'm kind of busy right now, john. what else is new. oh no, no, no, not that, i just paid off this car! i'm five blocks away! john? john?! ah. shit. chaz downshifts, stops in cloud of dust -- sorry, tour's over. the british start to argue. shit -- shit -- shit -- what the hell was that?! both leap onto the concrete rail, lean over and spot a huge winged shadow just as it disappears below the bridge. chaz is speechless as he turns to john. this is too much. john gives him the out he's been waiting for -- even?