lung cancer? lung cancer?! john turns to see ellie strutting up the sidewalk. uninhibited. oozing sex appeal. but dangerous. in more ways than you think. that's funny as shit, john. hey, i think you brought this one on yourself. john stares at her, tries to get a read. now why wouldn't you trust me? don't worry, john, you'll beat this. you beat everything. oh wow, you're serious. no wonder the boss is in such a good mood. what?! dammit, john, i know i owe you but to even ask that? all those saints and martyrs slipping through his grasp -- his own foot soldiers sent back to him in chunks. he's going to take all that out on you, john, and he's going to enjoy ripping your soul to shreds until the end of time. you're the one soul the man himself would actually come up here to collect. and you know how much he despises this place. have you gone to see the snob? like scratching fingers across a blackboard. no way. look, don't let your ego get in the way on this. i'd miss having someone up here i can. relate to. she gives him a kiss. and for a second john's leg is brushed by a tail. john doesn't react. just turns and walks away. oh, john, you know how much i love it on this side. this was just an opportunity to make it permanent. no need to get nasty. i am so going to miss our little trysts. ellie steps closer. the crowd starts to close in with her. oh, john, this is embarrassing. where is your pride? -- right under a sprinkler head. holy water! emergency lighting has snapped on -- throwing the room into a strobing nightmare of action. flashes of human skin melting, revealing snippets of the true demons underneath. it's total pandemonium as their rage is directed toward the only real humans in the room. john and midnite fling their coats open -- draw their weapons and starts firing away at the attacking horde. sacred bullets cause major damage -- wounds that ripple out through demon bodies. john and midnite slam back to back -- spinning under the protective shield of a showering sprinkler head -- shooting at all manner of distorted forms that venture into the column of spray. one reloads while the other fires. it's a hellish form of a turkey shoot. nothing sacred, nothing spared. john goes for the double doors. midnite covers him -- blows away another two disintegrating demons. two come up behind and he spins, takes them down. john gets to the doors, starts to open them when ellie jumps onto his back -- nails digging in. i'm not going back there!