you still with me? so what's next, detective? we gonna do a full marathon? intermittent radio chatter buzzes from angela's walkie- talkie. you get the sense angela is not alone in here. or how 'bout you show yourself and i put a bullet in your skull just like i did hers! you sure about that?! angela checks the chamber -- sees she has one bullet left. well ain't this a peach?! angela looks back, sees several shadows of figures waving far off. her radio is flooded with futzed chatter. c'mon, detective, step into the light and be saved!! angela looks back, squints into the brilliant light. she grips her gun and in one burst of flat-out bravado -- rises as she aims. and there he is -- the man rising with his own gun. angela fires as both dive off the track. his bullet ricochets behind her. hers finds its mark. man goes down right in the train's path.