you realize how absurd this is. there are no precedents here; all training models are useless. trying to turn us all into astronauts is a pathetic waste of time. very well. assume this is true. assume they have only the best of intentions. suppose they decide to just step in and solve all our problems for us. you have no objection to them so flagrantly intervening in human affairs? i am become death; the destroyer of worlds. i wonder if this is how oppenheimer felt on the eve of the first a-bomb test. perhaps. but on the off-chance that it is a 'doomsday device' of some kind, i plan to be very far away from your lovely texas when it is activated. i do. more than anything. but i am also a realist. soon this. what is your charming term -- ? dog and pony show will finally be over, and i will go home. i think it is your naivete i like best about you, eleanor. oh, there'll be a worldwide protest, but we all knew it from the very beginning. you americans discovered the signal, you led the decryption effort. the machine is being built on your home soil. of course the passenger will be an american, chosen by americans. anyway, it is what the whole world wants, no? this is the big show. the sort you put on better than anyone. it's good marketing. it's good casting. it's the american way.