the president will be making a statement in due time; until then we have no comment. i don't get it. if this civilization is so advanced why the remedial math? dr. arroway -- dr. arroway, let me first say -- i'll come right to the point, doctor. your sending this message all over the world may well be a breach of national security. i'm saying you might have consulted us; the contents of this message could be extremely sensitive. okay, fine, they've got the primes -- but if you're right about there being another more significant transmission still to come -- you don't seem to understand that it's your interests i'm trying to protect -- ! colonel jarrod, i'd like a twenty mile radio-silent perimeter put around this installation immediately. and a hundred mile airspace. under control for the moment but the longer we wait the more unstable the situation could become. i think you should consider coming here. what. how is that possible? how could all that information be encoded in -- what in the hell? -- or 'you're our kind of people --' what is it? instructions to acquaint us with their colonization procedures. ms. president, in the interest of national security, i strongly recommend we militarize this project immediately -- if at some later date the message proves harmless, we can discuss sharing it with the rest of the world, but until then -- but -- the transport theory is only one hypothesis, ms. president, and in my view a rather naive one. it could just as easily be some kind of trojan horse. we build it and out pours the entire vegan army. i hope you're right, doctor. but right now my job is to protect american lives from any plausible threat, and in that regard i have to assume the worst. it's not even close. arroway may be a good, even great scientist, but she's politically tone-deaf and a loose cannon. she leaked the message without so much as a nod to the d.o.d. or n.s.c., and i don't think anybody here would say diplomacy's her strong suit. drumlin may not be as glamorous a choice, but he's reliable, patriotic, sound. he has impeccable scientific credentials. and i think he'd be perceived by the public as the safer choice. is that your official response? i'm afraid that's not a satisfactory answer, doctor. we spent two trillion dollars. you walked into that machine with the hopes and prayers of an entire planet with you, and you stepped out with nothing. those people are going to want more than idle speculation and conjecture -- they're going to want answers -- and i hope for all our sakes you can come up with them. nothing. apparently the surface began to ossify immediately after she emerged; all subsequent attempts to re-enter the machine have failed. as have all attempts at internal analysis. we've tried sonargrams, magnetic resonance, gamma rays; it's completely impenetrable. i don't know. maybe we built the damn thing wrong. maybe it was all a hoax. the safest thing would probably be to do a chernobyl; encase it in concrete. doctor, isn't it true that wormholes are merely predictions of relativity theory? that there's no evidence they actually exist? and current theory holds that to sustain the sort of wormholes you're talking about, even for a fraction of a second, would require more energy than our sun produces in a year, is that correct? in fact, by all the laws of physics we know what you claim to have experienced is simply impossible. please answer the question, doctor. thank you, doctor. now -- answer the question, doctor. as a scientist -- can you prove any of this? so why don't you admit what by your own standards must be the truth: that this experience simply didn't happen.