my fellow americans, citizens of the world, ladies and gentlemen of the press. at 7:09 a.m. eastern standard time yesterday morning, american scientists detected a radio signal from space. this message was largely mathematical, and in spite of some of the headlines i've seen today, so far seems to be completely benign in nature. to better explain the extraordinary events of the last 24 hours, i'm turning you over to. doctor david drumlin. oh my god. what does it say? is that true? we don't? why don't we? how soon will you be able to decode it? well. that would seem to decide it. like it or not, for the moment, anyway, it looks like we're all in this together. that's it, mike. last time i checked, i was still running the country. although it seems that for the moment, dr. arroway is running the planet. let's get out of here. a transport. so are they coming or are we going? mr. rank's organization represents the point of view of tens of millions of families, dr. arroway. feel free to disagree, but there won't be any suppressing of opinions here today. what's the status of the decryption effort? i want to know the minute you find anything. and as our parents did a generation before us. i believe we should dedicate ourselves, by the end of this decade -- to build this machine that our brothers from across the vastness of time and space have asked us to build -- ! to meet with courage and determination the challenges of this new day -- ! to greet with hope the dawn of this new century! and to raise our voices to the heavens as one world, one people, in one ringing, defiant declaration -- bring on the millennium! put him through. well? recommendations? have your department make a full report.