this just came in from systems integrations in hokkaido. the chamber contains an exotic substance manufactured according to message specifications. in its normal state it appears as you see it, a transparent gas which is apparently breathable. as you'll see, it also has some other. unusual properties. the substance appears to have intelligent multiphasic properties; able to shift states at will. we believe it may function as some sort of transport medium. we have no idea. according to all known physical laws it shouldn't. what you haven't seen is what occurred when a technician went into the chamber to retrieve the bullet. as i said, the substance had already been deemed breathable after extensive tests on laboratory animals. there was apparently an aqueous residue covering part of the chamber floor. the technician slips. as he falls the substance hardens around him, breaking his fall. and solidifying in his lungs and bloodstream, killing him instantly. maybe. unfortunately that's all we have is maybes, increasing exponentially every day. this machine is now building itself as much as we're building it. almost as if it's growing, evolving. it's scary, folks. we're like cavemen building a nuclear warhead. we are constructing the most advanced, dangerously powerful. whateveritis in the history of the planet and we don't have a fucking clue how we're doing it.