shelly. i was a goddamn embarrassment tonight. i shouldn'a let you talk me into going on. it's definitely strep. you get a receipt? charmayne's in the lobby. they got these on sale in the window. victoria secret's valentine's collection. and the broad waiting in the room, what she set you back? always grade-a for ol' buddy. get back here, you prick. hand it over. whassimatter, kid? you got that nostradamus look. you ever watch those nature shows on tv? i've seen this one a dozen times. it's about lions. cycle of life thing. the leader of the pack. yeah, pride. the leader of the pride. when he gets on in years. it's just a matter of time before some young male arrives on the scene to challenge him. they go at it and the old cat gets the crap beaten outta him. it's humiliating. in front of all the females, this goes down. and after he's defeated, he's cast out of the pride, to scavenge and die alone in the bush. no shit. it's fucking tragic because the old lion can't figure it out on his own. that he's past it. it'd be so much easier for him to just walk away and save himself all that pain and humiliation. yeah. me, too.