this clinic in jersey. maybe six months ago. i wasn't about to go back after they treated me like cattle. just because i didn't have no insurance. and those places, they're crawling with t.b. from all 'em spies. i gotta go pee. i'm always peeing. bless you, bernie. you know, michael, i -- think we should name her bernadette. after your father. wanna feel her? ooh, i just felt her kick. c'mon, bernie, gimme your hand. feel that? take care, pop. come on, mikey. this is our future. don't blow it. come on all you's. put a good thought in for our baby! oh my god, i just felt him kick! he knows. he knows you're all pulling for him. god bless you all. oh my god. i can feel the contractions coming on. oh god, oh god. you gotta get me to the hospital. contractions. hurts so bad. oh god. it wasn't my idea. i want. to be a mother. please don't hurt me.