whassimater? you think i don't wash up after goin' to the john? forget about it. ehh. we thought we'd surprise you. shelly, i want you to meet one of our smartest vps, larry sokolov. and his numbers guy, marty goldfarb. look, shelly, this is your joint, you run it the way you see fit. but we got a smart kid here and he's got some good ideas on how to revitalize the shangri-la. yeah, no one doubts that, shelly. hey, forget about it. we'll talk later. over dinner. where's buddy? i wanna buy the old fart a drink. oh yeah? that's too bad. well, another time then. yeah. something with big headlights, nice rims and low mileage. shelly, i hope you don't mind. i'm sorry we didn't say nothing about this earlier. but the deal wasn't closed yet. the new shangri-la hotel and casino. we break ground on her in six months. i know what you're thinking? where's she gonna go? you need space to expand, right? well, that's been taken care of. we're now the proud owners of the golden frontier next door. isn't she great, shell? hey, jesus, c'mon, shelly. we're not trying to fuck with it. we're trying to make it better. you make some good points, shelly. maybe it'll swing back the other way, who knows? but the smart money suggests we roll the dice. i'm not gonna bullshit you; naturally there's gonna be a lot of restructuring in the months to come, but i want you to know, you'll always have a place with us. i think you should take some time and think things through. all this, it's a lot to digest, y'know. hey, my arteries can use a workout. lead us to the trough, shell. wait up a second. nah, let's play here. this is my lucky table. i always play here. go on ahead. i know where to find you guys. file a grievance, shithead. hundred dollar big red. who's laughing now, huh? ya fuckin! prick! c'mon, crack wise again. ya fuckin' smooth as a ken doll, no- dick, suburbanite scum. how's that for a game?! that ain't right, shelly! guy fucks up my game like that. who the fuck does he think he is? i thought this joint had more class. used to be, we wouldn't even let bums like that in. the kid wants you should know, shelly, he's just protecting our investment -- the old school way. see you around.