nicky, how the hell are you? i didn't know you were coming in. you shoulda called ahead. i woulda sent a car. well, anytime, nicky. anytime. what can i get you boys to drink? so. what brings you to town, nicky? revitalize? what are you talking about? we did thirty-five million last year. you mean, that amusement park mook fest out there? you know what that is? that's a fucking violation of something that used to be beautiful. that used to have class. like a gorgeous high priced hooker with an exclusive clientele. and then that steve wynn cocksucker knocks her up and puts her in a family way. now she's nothing but a cheap, fat whore hiding behind too much makeup. i look at her and see all those ugly stretch marks and i want to cry. 'cause i remember her as she was. what? you think i'm trying to compete with that? you think this joint's about bringing in the stroller crowd? fresh off some fucking e-ticket ride, looking to break the house on red and black. fremont's never been about that bullshit. this is where old time and real money comes to play. bernie. mr. cool. got a moment? it can wait. how's the knee? i was speaking to this orthopedic surgeon over at vegas memorial. he tells me they can replace a man's entire kneecap with titanium. it's the kinda thing that costs a shitload, but since the man's into us for five hundred large, i'm sure we could -- where you gonna go, bernie? where the fuck are you gonna go that's better'n here? i got you covered in this town. people, they know you work for me, that's currency in your pocket. that's fuckin' respect when you walk the floor. where you gonna get that anyplace else? that's right. i like to know who's shopping it in my neighborhood. you wanna keep working the shangri-la, you come see me tomorrow morning in my office. we'll go over the rules together. and before you come, you bring me a clean bill of health. ok? all right, get outta here. you want that, bernie? she's yours. anytime. i'll keep a tab running for you. what's a matter? not your type? you were velvet out there, pops. silk. they were hanging on the door outside. forget your tonsils. when the muff confetti stops coming, that's when you got yourself a problem. excuse me? are you kidding me? gimme that. you don't fucking deserve this. all those ladies going home with a sweet breeze between their legs because you still do it for them and you're fingering me for some kinda buddy stafford ego pimp. hey, fuck you, old man. pride. it's called a pride. yeah, nature's got a real sick sense of humor. that's like admitting to yourself that you're already dead. i prefer nature's way. i know you from somewhere, right? and i should be interested in this, why? we? even if i were interested, buddy's got ink with us through 2003. i just renegotiated his contract last year. buddy asked me to send you his regards, nicky. he's not feeling so great. i think he's got that stomach flu that's going around. sure, no problem. you got any preferences? what was that? well, what fucking gives? is it mcgann? he's been with us twelve years. the man's as standup as my dick. maybe he's got money problems. i'm gonna pull him. he wasn't counting 'em, was he? the mook with the streak? no, there's no problem. fella's on a streak, is all. why don't you announce it to the whole fucking joint? he's the best. take it from me. that right? i suppose you got a whole fucking prospectus on the subject. yeah? wallpaper? get a hold of his daughter. assist her with the arrangements. the shangri- la will take care of everything. she goes dark tonight. what's going on, nicky? in "lost horizon," these people, their plane crashes in the himalayas -- and they get rescued and taken to this utopia in the mountains. shangri- la. it's beautiful. the place is completely isolated. untouched by the outside world. there's no war, no greed, no bullshit. time is slowed down. people, they don't age. it's. paradise. that's what shangri- la is. paradise. you don't fuck with paradise! all'a ya! how. how, nicky, could it be any better? right now it's perfect. it's the last of its kind. it's pure. and this. . this is just. it's a mockery. an insult. trying to make something of it that it isn't. whose talking about a fuckin' movie? this ain't a fuckin' movie. this is my life. this is my house of worship. you people are shittin' on all that's sacred to me. i got just one question? where you gonna be when they decide to change it back? when the people, they come looking for the real vegas, from before all this epcott center bullshit. who's gonna it give it to them? you guys? i don't think so. you know who? the same fucks who started this shit in the first place. it's all gonna come full circle and bite you in the ass. mark my words. where's that? behind the bar? it's food. maybe we wanna play over there. less crowded. you're right. he's just a piece of shit. forget about him. how much? fucking amateurs. and then we'll give 'em both a lollipop for the ride home. come watch and learn, harvard. a little lesson on how to protect your investment -- the old school way. hey, that was some run you had back there. why don't we go do this in my office? i don't like to hand out all this amount of cash on the floor. get lost, bernie, this got nothing to do with you. what did you say? who? this little prick? were you in on this? jesus, you better come clean with me. how much you think their lives are worth, bernie? myself, i don't think they're worth piss. but, hey, it ain't my kid. let me see: they were up almost a hundred and fifty grand. that's 150 g's someone's gonna have to account for. what do you say, bernie, seventy- five grand a piece? hey, i know you don't have that kind of cash. but, since you're a friend of the house, i'm willing to front you. hey, why don't we all break out the champagne? lootz is about to become a granddaddy. how you doin' there, sweetheart? must hurt like crap, huh? yeah? here! it's a fuckin' boy. anyone got a cigar? you sure you still want to be good for it? because if you want to change your mind, i don't blame you. that's the worst fucking call you ever made in your life. 150 g's buys their lives. this is just a little slap on the wrist to remember me by. you know, motherhood is a beautiful thing. this. you made a mockery out of it. maybe you'll get to experience it for real one day. i'm not going to hurt you. get 'em outta here. you ever see them in this joint again, kill 'em. you two, you're still on shift. yeah, it's me. get bernie over to crap table six. you wanna tell me what's going on out there? what do you mean. what do you mean, you don't know? we're down almost a mil out there. doesn't seem strange to you? you don't have off days, lootz. you're shitty luck incarnate. what's wrong? you coming down with something? you've got this look about you. what's that supposed to mean? natalie? she told you, she loves you? put that fucking thing out! you should be. you've gone and fucked it up big time. i paid you to be his cooze companion, not his fucking true love. but, no, you had to go and get all profound on the poor schmuck. "i love you, bernie." you know what you've gone and done, sweetheart? those four little words of endearment have already cost this casino a million and counting today. lady luck. you never heard'a lady luck?! that's what's goin' on out there. lootz is kryptonite on a stick. he should have 'em throwing ice cubes out there, but instead i got a fuckin' meltdown on my hands. ok, here's what's gonna happen. you're outta his life by the time he gets home. don't even tell him to his face, just leave a note. i'll make some calls, situate you at another joint. excuse me? what's there to fuckin' love? he's a loser. always has been, always will be. and i thought you were a smart cookie when i picked you out. you do not want to fuck me over, darlin'. i'll see to it that your next john's a rattlesnake out in the desert. now get the fuck outta here. jesus, bernie, is that what you think of me? that i would fuck with your happiness? that hurts. buddy was tired. i gave him an easy out. it coulda been a lot worse. he woulda never taken the buy-out offer. buddy woulda stuck to his guns, no matter what. and they woulda ended up hurting him. i couldn't let that happen. listen to me, you dumb fuck -- i loved that sonofabitch. but his time was up. what i was supposed to do, leave him to those corporate wolves? what i did, it was the humanitarian thing. that i have no doubt about. afterwards, i held him in my arms and i cried like a fucking baby. what? you got this look -- what's this fucking look? what did i tell you?! what did i fuckin' tell you?! i don't give a fuck! you're gone, sweetheart. history. kiss paradise goodbye. who the fuck do you think you are? you ain't nobody! i could make you disappear like this. and nobody would ever notice you were gone. nobody! you fuckin' cunt. you think that's bad? that's just a taste, bitch. you're still here when bernie gets home and i'll finish the job. i'll cut you into so many fuckin' pieces, the vultures'll be trading on you for a month. here. go get yourself some cosmetic surgery. bernie, what's the matter? you look a little fucking spooked. will you excuse me for a moment? because you never give up a good thing, bernie. you are a good thing. the best fuckin' cooler there ever was. and i need him back. that's a dead man talking. you try to walk on me, bernie, and i'll fuckin' bury you. the both of you. what the fuck? me? i'm the loser? what the fuck more do i need? you believe this fuckin' guy? that's a real heartfelt speech, lootz. all that jimmy stewart in ya face intensity. you almost sold me. man, i've got a fucking lump in my throat. but it still don't change things. you bail on me without making good on my 150 g's and i'm gonna be forced to close the books on you. you and the broad. you leave me no choice. how much is he up? why didn't one of you fucking geniuses call me? lootz's off the clock. as long as he's off the clock, he's free to play. just like every other schmuck in this joint. now you listen real good, you harvard turd. lootz is on the up-and-up. he leaves here tonight with whatever he comes out with. you so much as touch a hair on his head and i'll fucking wallpaper this joint with your ass. muted tones, right? what's that? i don't hear nothing. wait a minute -- yeah, now i hear it.