would you please get your hands off my face, tallulah? what happened to the newspaper? well! aren't we the daring one? what's morbid and ghastly enough in the news to make doctor helen set foot outside her door? the antenna is gone off her car again. i had no music, all the way to the market. let me find a garage for it? are you kidding? you buy enough gourmet junk every week. most of which rots. to garage a fleet of stretch limos. a little heavy breathing is what most of us yearn for. forget it. he can't phone you unless the warden gets an okay from you. did you give him an approval? when was the last time you washed your hair? monsieur andy can smell your coiffure. and guess what else? cellulite. what do you say i blindfold you and take you to the gym. aerobics with housewives. here we go again. oh my god! help! he's reading a newspaper! okay. you win. 'dirty harry' coming up. excuse me, but would you mind explaining why you're watching the lady upstairs? listen, asshole, i've got a gun. only kidding! i'm okay. i really kind of enjoyed it. are you staying long? shall i shut the door? make your coffee? make the beds? now look what you did. you threatened to drive her downtown. she has agoraphobia. open space. she hasn't been out of this apartment in three years. i didn't used to think it was real. oh, god, uniforms, more stress. let her sleep. it's a self-limiting: she hyperventilates till she passes out, then her breathing goes back to normal, and she wakes up singing like a lark. we know, don't we, princess? give her a couple of hours. i know about this. hey, no. leave those here. if you really want her help. i mean if you really do, leave them. let her see them. i'll see they're safe. shit. no, dear. you're at your best with a bag in front of your face. i wouldn't. he'll be back. if you want him. the cute brutal type with handcuffs. very sexy. you thought he was cute too, didn't you? admit. admit. what? what'd i do? you slut! no sexy young cop for you unless you shampoo your hair. when are you going to call them? then, why don't you just die. i'm going. they'll find your body years later, the old recluse lady, she ate cat food, ten years of the new york times, unread, piled on top of the unread mail, the tv still on. make up your mind. live or die. i'll get coffee. yes? inspector halloran, she's going through the material now. she'll call you. no, she'll be alright, i'll sleep over on the couch in case. but now, i told you, singing like a lark. it's good for you. it's good medicine. i'm the only friend you've got, darling, and i don't intend to stop doing what i think is good for us. she's in the office. she just got to sleep. do you have to tell her about it now? gaahhd! what a cop! you busted me! the new one, in the marina. she has a police radio scanner. it's always on. she turns it off, and then she has to turn it on again. she's obsessed. she can't not listen to it, but she can't listen to it, so she makes me listen to it. the moon is up, my night to howl. will you be okay? look out for her. she's tougher than you think. i know. do come and meet your guest. she's smoking again. sorry, luv. i've got a date. it's almost six. and guess what? hall likes me bathed and shaved. my life to live, darling, try to remember what it was like way, way back when you were young and sexy and alive. but alive! if yo dialed carefully you've reached your dream number. now, you know what to do. stop screaming! for god's sake, stop -- my head! i have the iraqi mother of all hang- overs. very quiet in the hospital zone, please. hal has it. then he gave me a popper and i started to feel really wild. all over the dance floor. then suddenly i was just s o stoned. and sick? i had to race for the john. horribly sick. over and over and over. i was in there a very long time. and when i came out they were gone. so was my jacket which i'd tossed to hal when i was dancing. hal was my. could i have a glass of water? that's him.