why don't we save it for later? it's almost time for letterman. yes, i fed her. if she says she's hungry, she's lying to you. again. she lies all the time. why would i say i fed her if i didn't? didn't i promise i'd come right back? hi. it's your worst student, peter foley -- how do you grade me now, doctor? you like that action? didn't that cop on tv look solemn? the guy in the basement doesn't matter, anyway, just another lonely heart. you thought i was going to do ted bundy next, so you sent your partner. what was that? what am i hearing? the sound of an epiphany, a sudden blinding insight? mm-hmm. i can't get to you. you have to come to me. oh, i think you will. i need her; she's a cop. i have to kill a cop, and then. i don't care -- she's a cop. that's the important thing. cop-ness, not sex-ness. it won't be perfect, but it'll be good. i'm tired. i want it to end tonight, don't you? you know where. you cheated! you said you'd come die with me. listen to them! we'll be on all three channels. no. not yet. don't talk to me about courage. i know death, what it's like to kill. you're not a killer -- you watched daryll lee kill that cop and you didn't make a peep, because you were paralyzed with fear. you chocked. i know something else about you. you want one? no? there was something in you that was fascinated, that wanted to see what it was like for a man to die. everybody feels it. like every person who slows to see a bad accident, or runs to see a fire. that's true. i see it in you. you're the same as me. oh, no. we'll keep talking. until they get here. then. why did you do that? didn't you have any idea how hard it was for me, to get that far? i worshipped you. you inspired me. i thought you could understand me the way you understood the others. i knew that about you -- the ones you admired were the great murderers; they fascinated you. i don't have the talent for any of those things. all i have a talent for is death. and i am one of a kind. what do you think of your student now? i have made you famous, i am your creation and your monument. oh, please. i know what's coming, now. "let me help you" back in the driver's seat again, doctor? that old dream -- study us to see what makes us sick. so you can find a cure -- they'd name it after you? death is the only cure for people like me. you hurt me!