i been waiting. i have to do everything myself. photo, crime tech, the coroner are already inside. the landlady calls it in; tenant is not answering when called, she sticks her head in, sees the body, uses the deceased's telephone to call 911. otherwise nothing disturbed. it's all yours, kid. i'll take care of the mouth and the haircut. shut up. i tagged the goddamned stocking. it ain't lost. we're sequestering that evidence. that's the trap some son of a bitch is going to fall into. i said you were. okay. what do you want to sequester? you didn't say serial killer and i didn't say serial killer. this is the anniversary of the summer of love and your city fathers have declared a festival of love. the mayor and chamber of commerce don't want tv announcing killers on the loose. we're gonna have a bunch of clapped out old hippies blissing on the grateful dead! sleeping in the park, smoking dope and sticking tulips up their ass. there was no sperm. what are you looking at that for? helen hudson. work the clues. would you step outside, sergeant? i'm telling you. don't you ever address me publicly in that tone. you'll work what and who i tell you to work. how about i put nikko on it? sergeant? you ever reflect how this big explosion in dead women coincides with the flowering of women's lib? nikko's looking better by the minute, inspector. aw, jesus. the mouth gets a load of this and we got major headlines around the world. desalvo redux. the matter, you think they don't teach latin in catholic schools? who've i got to beat up except the messenger? does this give us anything to go on? i know. get out here. or for some new nutcase to copycat the copycat. another country heard from. no. we're keeping it quiet, don't give the bastard the attention he's maybe begging for. he's on the phone calling me like an insurance salesman soliciting my business, for christ's sake. i didn't tell him the three most over-rated things in life are young pussy, regular exercise and the what? i talk like a cop, this is the way i talk. i can't believe this guy. saks. he's a deputy assistant director of the f.b.i. "let me help you!" with the f.b.i. there's no such thing as a little help. they bury you with help. explain to me about this virus, no don't tell me about the virus. thing is, you saw it, the pictures. i know; the kid hit you first. he already told me. she left you, nikko. she's not your responsibility. she takes very good care of herself. if she wants to romance the kid, it ain't your business. your business is to snap out of it. don't give me six years! you never divorced patty, did you? so what'd you expect from m.j.? then you shoulda known she wasn't buying. she was just long-term leasing' you. ah, nickie. except for that rare twenty-second twitch, there ain't nothin' about sex i don't hate. but of course, i'm irish. plus i got real problems. i'm worried i might have to put you in over m.j. there's something going on here, the commissioner is targeting her now, i can't leave a woman in that position. but the thing is, how can i move you in, if you go on acting like a teenage asshole? what's going down with the sting in chinatown? that gonna be off your plate in a week or what? sergeant. so what have we got? christ. how old are you? you sure you want to be in this line of work? okay, now what about your sidekick punching my favorite detective? what the hell is going on? you got no discipline in your operation. where you going? what the hell you need her for? sorry to interrupt. i need a word with my officer. m.j., i'm going to have to borrow ruben. the alien-smuggling thing in chinatown is going down tomorrow night and jack's kid got hit by a car. i gotta give ruben to nikko. teach both of them a lesson in cooperation and self-discipline. just, i need results. and -- i am short-handed. who else am i gonna give him? i didn't want the illigals, i wanted just the bastards dumping them in the harbor. what's keeping those bums at immigration? nightmare in here. you got a suspect. how'd you get in on the deal? you have no authority to make a deal like that. that' s for the saks. if he knew you did that! they're all asking me, 'what is she doing,' as it is. nikko? nikko. my office? m.j., i wanna see you later. he's on temp leave with pay. i talked the commissioner out of no pay. so i'm maybe gonna lose three good cops? you fucked up on this occasion, but don't be so hard on yourself. there's something i want you to think about. the book says if you use your gun, use it to kill, that's what it's meant to do. you tried to pick this punk off with fancy shooting, to keep him alive. to what end? you're not willing to kill, you can't be a cop. go get drunk. i am. "spokesperson." i called our swat commander. he's ours now. you come watch our boys in action. susan, the san francisco police department, assisted by the fbi, developed evidence that the serial killer, referred to as the copycat killer was an individual who resided at this address. upon being asked to step out of the house to be interviewed, the suspect set fire to the house possibly to destroy evidence of his wife's murder. we found her dead of gunshot wounds in an upstairs bedroom. he himself died in the fire. no, we'll wait until we've located any relatives who should be notified. witnesses saw the individual burn to death, they were unable to reach him in time to save him. we're glad, as the entire city must be glad, this reign of terror is ended. no, no more at this time. thank you. i'll take it, kid. you take two weeks paid leave. don't waste a second thinking about that shitbag. then come back. you're a cop, m.j. no, she can come in tomorrow. gonna want to know a lot of things. yeah, it's a thought.