hello?. who's there? you scared me to death, you mangy thing! i'm just looking for an old well. know it? not talking, huh? magic dowser, magic dowser: show. me. the well! and i don't like being stalked, not by michigan? and if i'm a "water witch", what do you mean? i wasn't saddled with anything. it's coraline. coraline. coraline jones. i think i heard someone calling you, wyborne. oh, i definitely heard someone, why-were- you-born. ehh!! i almost fell down a well yesterday, mom. i would have died. hmmm. so can i go out? i think it's perfect weather for gardening. but mom, i want stuff growing when my friends come to visit. isn't that why we moved here? wasn't my fault you hit that truck. that sounds exciting. huh. a little me? that's weird. wybie. and i'm way too old for dolls. hey dad, how's the writing going?. dad? d'you know where the garden tools are? humph, it's just raining. so? ewww! ahh!! one boring blue boy in a painfully boring painting . four incredibly boring windows . and no. more. doors. all right, little me, where are you hiding? huh? hey mom. where does this door go? i think it's locked. pleeeeeeeeease! bricks? i don't get it. you're kidding? and why is the door so small? you didn't lock it. why don't you ever cook, mom? looks more like slime to me. think they're trying to poison me? don't forget about me, guys. okay? good-night. little me. whoa. huh? mmmmm, something smells good. mom?! what are you doing here in the middle of the night? you're not my mother. my mother doesn't have b-b-buh. hello? my father can't play piano. i, uh sorry but she said to tell you the food's ready. mmmm, this chicken is good. d'you have any gravy? i'm real thirsty. mango milk shake? home? for me? i didn't know i had an other mother. really? what rain? huh, what about the mud? i, i'd love to play, but . i better get home to my other mother. but . wow. hello. kripes a-mighty, how are my best trolls? i can't wait till summer. you're both comin', right? oh, the mud. it was incredibly real, mom! only you weren't really you; you were my other mother. you were in the dream too, dad. you had wild-looking pajamas and orange monkey slippers. miss spink and forcible? but you said they're dingbats. bo-bin-sky. bo-bin-sky. bo-bin-sky. ohh, poo-eeeee! h-hello?. i think our mail got mixed up. should i leave it outside or. hmmm. huh? meeshkas? oh, sorry. i'm coraline jones. cor-a-line. oompah oompah, toodle toot, toodle toot. no!!! the. jumping mice? the one behind the wall paper? but. it's all bricked up. still coraline, miss spink. read what? a what? what do you see? well, what should i do? no, i guess not. thanks for the tea, though. danger? great, the village stalker. what d'ya mean, "we?" ha! your cat's not wild, he's a wuss- puss! so. that doll. did you make it look like me? c'mom - blue hair, my swampers and raincoat? i meant my parents; they don't listen to me either. ew! dangerous? so? well, what do you think? wait a minute! hi. cheddar?. oh, the mice bait. you mean my other father? mmmmmm! i love your garden! well, she says it's time for dinner . breakfast . food? i can't believe you did this! mmmm. so good! really. that know-it-all wybie said it was all in mr. b's head, i knew he was wrong. my friend? great. another wybie. hello, why-were- you-born. hello? so he can't talk at all? hmm, i like it. you're awful cheerful, considering you can't say anything. uh. it didn't hurt, did it, when she. whoa. cool! look at you! it's wonderful, wybie! wow! yah! whooo-oooh! that was great! we loved it, mr. b. it was . so . so-- a-mazing! ughhh. oh, and upstairs i saw a real mouse circus, not pretend like the crazy man's in our house. da-ad! i'm not five anymore. but mom, the whole school's gonna wear boring gray clothes. no one will have these. my other mother would get them. so what do you think's in the other apartment? then why'd you lock the door? they're jumping-mice, mom! and the dreams aren't dangerous; they're the most fun i've had since we've moved here. with those stupid uniforms? right. are you kidding me? gross-gusting. oh, like the gloves? that's what you always say. hmmm. wybie's got a cat like you at home. not the quiet wybie; the one that talks too much. you must be the other cat. um. i can see you don't have button eyes. but if you're the same cat, how can you talk? cats don't talk at home. nope. come back. please? i. i'm sorry i called you that, i really am. how'd you get here? what do you mean? she's amazing! that's nonsense. he can't talk. hey, wybie. oh my god. ahhh!!! yeah!! oh yeah. they swooped down and pulled me right out of my seat spink and forcible. only they weren't old ladies, that was just a disguise. but then, i was flying through the air and. it was, it was magic. uh-huh! good night, wybie. really? what's that? no way! you're not sewing buttons in my eyes! i'm. i'm going to bed! right now! i'm really, really tired. yeah. i just need to sleep on things. oh, no thanks, uh, you-you've done so much already-- i'm going home tonight, robots - and i won't be back. go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep! go to sleep, go to sleep. go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep. go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep. mom!. dad!. oh god, i'm still here? hey you! where's the other mother? i want to go home. if you won't even talk to me, i'm gonna find the other wybie. he'll help me. well, i'm gettin' outta here. that's what i'm doing. huh? something's wrong. shouldn't the old well be here? but why? why does she want me? eat? that's ridiculous, mothers don't eat daughters! huh? but how can you walk away from something and still come back to it? small world. stop, he's one of the circus mice! gooooood kitty. i want to be with my real mom and dad. i want you to let me go. you aren't my mother. no. ow, what are you doing! ow, that hurts! who are you? why are you all here? well, she can't keep me in the dark forever; not if she wants to win my life. beating her is my only chance. has she taken those, too? i . i'll try. did she do this to you? i hope that feels bet-- let's go! come on. she'll hurt you again! i'm home! anybody here? hello, hello, hello! real dad . real mom! oh, mom's groceries! i missed you guys so much-- you'll never-- oh. the wybie that talks. it used to look like this pioneer girl; then huck finn junior; then it was this little rascals chick with all these ribbons, and braids, and. grandma's missing sister! i think i just met her. c'mon! she's in there. not in a million years. but it wouldn't matter; she can't escape without her eyes. none of the ghosts can. great! i'd love to get rid of it! where are you hiding, you little monster?! the doll's her spy! it's how she watches you, finds out what's wrong with your life! no! - the other mother! she's got this whole world where everything's better - the food, the garden, the-- --neighbors. but it's all a trap! don't believe me?. you can ask the cat! you're not listening to me! you creep! crazy?. you're the jerk-wad that gave me the doll! mom! dad! pick it up, dad, pick it up. dad! whe- where have you gone? uh. don't you only make wings for the . dead ones? how is hundred-year-old candy going to what's it for? good-night, mom. good-night, dad. hello. how did you get in? do you know where mom and dad are? mom! dad!! how did this happen? she's taken them. they're not coming back, are they mom and dad. not on their own. only one thing to do. i have to go back. they are my parents. hmmm, okay. mom? where are my parents? they weren't bored of me. you stole them! mom, dad, where'd she hide you? be strong, coraline. why don't we play . a game? i know you like them. my real parents. and, and the eyes of the ghost children. if i lose, i'll stay here with you forever and let you love me. and i'll let you sew buttons into my eyes. then you let me go. you let everyone go my real father and mother, the dead children, everyone you've trapped here. not till you give me a clue. and for my parents? it's a deal-- what does she mean "wonders?" hmmm. no!! stop!! why steal this? wow. that must be it. don't worry, i'm getting the hang of it! oh, wybie. evil witch . i'm not scared! i'm coraline. uh-huh. you don't get it, do you? of course you don't understand. you're just a copy she made of the real mr. b. ahhh! no!! noooo! noooo! i think you might have said something like that. thank you. i'm heading inside. i still have to find my parents. come on, quickly! no, i . i brought a friend. you, you have a very funny way of showing it. hold on. we aren't finished yet, are we? i already know where you've hidden them. they're behind that door. go on. open it. they'll be there, all right. no . i'm . not! please. shut!! mom! dad! i missed you so much! i didn't break it. it must've broke when you escaped. you're talking about. your garden catalog? but look at the snow on your clothes? so, gonna order the tulips? for the garden party!! dad! so, mom. invitations? don't forget the invitations. mr. b's not drunk, mom, he's just. eccentric. oh, hello again. you still mad? i'm really sorry i threw you at her - the other mother? it was all i could think of. i think it's time, don't you? to set them free? well, i'm glad it's finally over! what about. me? but how? i locked the door!? i -- i've gotta hide this somewhere, s- somewhere she can never . outta my way! oh. my twitchy witchy girl, i think you are so nice . i give you bowls of porridge and i give you bowls of ice cream. i give you lots of kisses, and i give you lots of hugs . but i never give you sandwiches with grease and worms and mung beans. why did you change your mind? the sweet ghost girl. just bring her by the house tomorrow. we can tell her together. you know, i'm glad you decided to stalk me. thanks for helping me, miss spink, miss forcible. actually, it's just lemonade. how's angus doing? cold drinks? thanks, mom. how are the meeshkas, mr. b? welcome, ms. lovat! i'm coraline jones -- i've got so much to tell you! 86: got it? almost there, just a few more. come on, now, lift. hoo! let me guess, you're from texas or utah; someplace dried out and barren, right? i heard about water-witching before but it doesn't make sense; i mean, it's just an ordinary branch. it's a dowsing rod! look, i'm from pontiac. huh. wybie? why? i can't believe it -- you and dad get paid to write about plants and you hate dirt. "don't even think about going out, coraline jones." just let me work. you mean like, hide and seek? how'd you know i-- i mean my other other mother. mom number one? i think i should get to bed. hey, how zit goin', yuper! where's your swampers and tuke? it's gone, my poison oak, it's gone!. huh? buttons for eyes, huh? coraline, you only dreamed you ate all that chicken. take your multi-vitamin, at least. pssst. can you get me some of that magic mud you were talking about? uh huh. famous jumping mouse circus not ready, little girl! circus?. oh, uh, i brought this for you. mmmm. noviseer. and i am the amazing bobinsky! but you can call me mr. b, because amazing i already know that i am. oh cease your infernal yapping! how nice to see you, caroline. would you like to come in? we're playing cards. are those dogs . real? our sweet, departed angels. couldn't bear to part with them . so we had them stuffed. i see a very peculiar hand. wuss-puss. you're just like them. you're kidding. she says she was stolen. stolen? oh ah, stop! stop tickling, ah! now run along, you two, and have fun. my name! you wanna come along? you can pick out something you like. but i might be. i knew it was real! well, you're clearly the expert on these things. after all, i'm just a big fat wuss puss. the other mother hates cats? not like any "mother" i've ever known. shhhh! i hear something! right . over. she's practically naked! will send sailors swooning --oh--! i can't look! black is traditional, but if you'd prefer pink or vermillion or chartreuse. so sharp you won't feel a thi-- oww! bed? soon you'll see things our way. i'll give you to the count of three. one. who's there? hush! and shush! for the beldam might be listening! you . you mean the other mother? . don't remember our names. but i `member my true mommy. wybie?. uhhh. that's disgusting. you stole that doll, didn't you? mom! why don't you have your own key? the garden squash need tending, don't you think, pumpkin? uh huh. too easy. fine. don't tell me. the pearl! you'll just go home and be bored and neglected. same as alvays. stay here vis us; vee vill listen to you and laugh vis you. oh god, i've lost the game; i've lost everything. you know i love you. mom. dad! they aren't there. we're going out tonight. what's gotten into you, coraline? it is over and done with . for us. tain't all bad, miss. thou art alive . thou art still . living. get off!! charlie! oh yeah, great! you were right, coraline. i really hate dirt, but the tulips look nice. dey tell me that you - are saviour, caroline. and -- soon as dey are ready -- dey vish to give special tenks-you performance. --i grew up here.