miriam, put the kettle on! it's the new neighbor, miriam - caroline? she'll be having the oolong tea. no, oolong. come on, boys! now, there's hamish the third, the fourth, the eighth, the ninth. angus the second, the fifth, the. seventh, the third, the ninth, yes, the fourthi'm right; and jock junior, jock senior, jock the third, the fourth. oh, and that's jock's 2nd cousin, twice removed. i'll read them, if you like. oh, your tea leaves, dear. they'll tell me your future. drink up then, go on. no, not all of it, not all of it. that's right, now hand it over. oh. caroline, caroline, caroline; you are in terrible danger. my eyes! you're blind as a bat! miriam, oh really, you're holding it wrong. see? danger! giraffes don't just fall from the sky, miriam. oh! never wear green in your dressing room. and be very, very careful. now, was there something you came to tell us? cheery-bye. do you have any nice queens for mummy? just looking ahead dear. angus hasn't been feeling very well of late. we've lost our ride, miriam. caroline says her parents have vanished, quite completely. i suppose we could walk! oh, oh yes . your missing parents. we know just what you need. miriam, get. that's right. there you go, sweety. well,it might help. they're good for bad things, sometimes. it's bad things, miriam. bad. bad things! bad. oh, much better, dear. but he can't duck his wings forever! ooo, do you want to pop a little gin in it dear?