dras, dva, tri, chetyri. dras, dva, tri, chetyri. dras, dva, tri . mer-sa-vich! new "cheese" samples. very clever, using this "mix up" to sneak my home and peek at meeshkas the mice! ha! you see, caroline, the problem is my new songs go oompah oompah. but the jumping mice play only toodle toot, like that. is nice, but not so much amazing? so now-- --i switch to stronger cheese, and soon here, have beet. make you strong. daas vee daan ya, caroline. ehhh! caroline: pa-dazh-di'-- wait!! the mice. asked me to give you message. they are saying: do not go through leetle door. do you know such a thing? bah. so sorry, is nothing. sometimes the mice are leetle. mixed up, hmmm? they even get your name wrong, you know. they call you coraline instead of caroline, not caroline at all. maybe i work them too hard. ooo, dret nican. neit, neit. da, da, dat iz possible.