you're just in time for supper, dear! b-b-b-buttons? do you like them? i'm your other mother, silly. now go tell your other father that supper's ready. well, go on. he's in his study. hungry, aren't you. well, here comes the gravy train! choo- choo! another roll, sweet peas? corn on the cob? of course! any requests? we've been waiting for you, coraline. of course you do. everyone does. uh huh, and soon as you're through eating, i thought we'd play a game. perfect! hide and seek in the rain. mud facials, mud baths, mud pies -- it's great for poison oak. but i'm your other mother. of course, sweetheart, it's all made up. welcome back, darling. so thoughtful of you to send this nice cheddar, coraline. would you go fetch your father? bet he's hungry as a pumpkin by now! your better father, dear. he's out in the garden. go on. coraline, mr. bobinsky has invited you to come see the jumping mice perform after dinner. your father and i will clean up while you and your friend head upstairs. i thought you'd like him more, if he spoke a little less. so i fixed him. nope. dearest coraline, was it wonderful, dear? you do like it here, don't you, coraline? you could stay here forever. if you want to. there's one tiny little thing we need to do. for you . our little doll. though you might make me jealous. oh, but we need a yes . if you want to stay here. there now; it's your decision, darling. we only want what's best for you. well of course you do, darling. i'll be happy to tuck you in. you're welcome. and i we aren't worried at all, darling. there's just one tiny little thing we have to do. soon you'll see things our way. they say even the proudest -- --spirit can be broken . with love. of course, chocolate never hurts. like one? they're cocoa beetles from zanzibar. is that any way to talk to your mother? apologize at once, coraline! two. and what is it you'd be finding, coraline?