metz. the guard, metz, stops and looks back. d.v.d.'s broke. thanks for your patience. man needs his nightly rest. who's the gook? no shoes in my crib. in. the sentries move aside. fait and su enter. chambers ash- trays his cuban and digs into b-fast. don't waste my precious time. how's daria? always was good. from the moment i found her till the moment you took her away from me. problem, you say? bitch brought it in. made me a lotta money. but that all stopped. you stopped that. you decided it was okay to put an end to that. black stones. go on. only smart thing was not pimping her yourself, 'cause then i'da been real sore-angry, and you'da both been real cold-dead. but you don't pimp, do you? just a you like tall white women? su doesn't say anything. back to english -- he can't talk? bought myself this korean club downtown. packing in the seoul brothers 24-7-365. black man gouging koreans, ain't that a switch. motherfuckers got faces like walls, but they love to drink liquor and look at naked girls. place is no shitbox, either. got me an office looks like a kabuki love palace. my own little sanctuary -- a quick shot of fait, taking this in. -- just waiting for when i parole out. stop by sometime, eyeball the poon. big heist. risky heist. breaking news. i'm watching it wondering why. make another one. lotta offspring running around. big scores're rare in a lifetime. another beat. that's it. no deal. slope's no dope. he indicates behind them. they turn. the two cell sentries are wielding prison shanks. so is willy chickens. your choice. chickens is happy. thrusts the knife at fait. when. su reaches out and catches the blade. catches it with just the thumb and forefinger of one hand. and holds it like that. holds it hard. chickens can't push and can't pull. doesn't know what to do next. finally yanks really hard. and. su lets go. chickens goes backward, ass over teakettle. a beat. then, to fait -- say hey to daria. and don't forget your shoes. if you're willing to pay five, you're willing to pay ten. you're willing to pay ten, you're willing to pay twenty. twenty, forty. forty, eighty. i'm not selling till i know exactly where the ceiling is. whereupon we see who he's talking to: ling. you like foreplay? i hate foreplay. fuck the warm-up drills -- girl's gotta get in there and be ready to score points. bring it straight to the motherfucking hoop. you understand? so, instead of us going back and forth doing warm-ups, my idea's for you to think of a number. a very high number. a very final number. a number so high and final it'll get me off good, bam, right when i hear it. chambers hasn't looked at ling the whole time. still isn't looking. forks up some lobster meat. when. okay, okay. ling stops. ain't worth my life. i'll take the five and call it a game.