hope we're not here long. i hate sunshine. ling kisses sona on the lips. then -- where'd you get that piece of shit? you're sure you cleaned it out? i'm sick of her already. he marches toward the van. unlocks the rear door and slides it open. shut up! go to sleep! vanessa reaches over and flicks on the camper's tv. turns it up loud. giving him stink-eye defiance as. charles slams the door shut. locks it. and. now that vanessa's made her point, and charles can't see her anymore, her boldness begins to subside. she lies down on the bed and curls up, alone and scared inside the dark camper. vanessa holds up the pink diamond pendant and gazes at it. a talisman. connecting her to her father. not making the fear go away, but giving her strength. whoa. take it easy. just seeing if i could help with something. what? what? what? sona's emerging from a trailer. office nearby. i'm backing away. i'm backing away. someone give the geek his ritalin. get the hell off me. he pries loose her arms from around him. keeping a grip on her wrists with one hand, charles turns her around to face away from him. he's about to start duct-taping her wrists. waste of time. i can think of a better way of shutting you up -- vanessa back-kicks him hard in the 'nads. charles howls in pain and lets her go. quickly, vanessa jumps back inside the camper. shit. she got the key! good. i don't have to baby-sit much longer. hears the opening hangar door. turns. sees vanessa and goes after her. the bullet ricochets off the pavement right next to him. in a flash, he's up and running. heading out into the darkness of the airfield after vanessa. meanwhile, back inside. the bullet knocks his gun from his hands. charles is slowed but keeps going. stops behind the gas truck. looks around for vanessa. no sign of her. until. charles notices the door to the gas truck isn't closed all the way. he whips it open. and. there's vanessa, hiding inside. charles grabs her. yanks her out struggling and kicking. time to end this my way. and then.