i'm here for the reception. angie rawlins. douglas scans a list of names. checks off hers. i hate these things. don't you hate these things? then again, you never know who you're going to meet. she shifts her wrap, baring cleavage. then leans over the desk. giving douglas an eyeful. well, i suppose i should go up and see what they're selling. daria turns back and calls to her chauffeur, tommy. tommy. what happens next happens very quickly and sotto voce, as daria walks toward tommy: she whispers into a hidden mike -- change of plans. he's gay. tommy hears it over his earwig. yeah way. intercut with: key-card. why don't you keep my purse? i shouldn't be too long. daria hands tommy her purse. palms the key-card from him. then heads toward the elevator, as. tommy replaces the sick look on his face. does his best to look flirty as he walks over to the security station. leans over the desk with a yummy-smile on his face. faith. fait pulls out a remote control firing device. he pushes the button. and. holy shit. works for me. then something else catches his eye. he holds up a small, pink diamond on a chain. admires it. christophe sold us out. you made it. so what do we do? be careful. fait gives her a kiss. then goes. 'sup, odion? sometimes you need an old friend, y'know? with a capital 't.' used to be that way. not treating me right these days. the kid's all he cares about. man, i don't know. probably nothing you can do. i just back in the day. just always seemed like you and i had something special between us. i always cared for you, odion. that's why i'm here. i need something. here?. oh, man, i don't know. yeah, but it's been a while for that. might not remember how. don't know how jump'd feel about it. having me back. just talk? odion's drinking her in. sit down. odion sits. put on some music. odion puts a disc in the stereo. cranks up some hip-hop. nah. something slower. odion switches music. a slow tune fills the room. that's good. now just relax. and watch. keep it in your pants. we're still here to help you, t. shut up, assholes. here. what are these stones? archie answers it. sounds like our best shot. i'll keep her safe. get him. su goes after ling. and now it's daria vs. sona. sona's a better fighter, but daria's got passion on her side. it's a good fight. until, at last, sona finds the scorpion. she swings it up. and. daria executes a sudden, improvised double move that strikes sona's arm in such a way as to cause her to point the scorpion at herself, just as she fires. the burst rips through her chest and kills her. and now, here's what's been going on outside. i'm with you, t. he looks to miles.