last delivery's finally here. the armored truck guard approaches the security station. as he and douglas exchange paperwork, the armored truck guard references the sounds from upstairs --
introducing a new line of jewelry.
name, please?
thank you. you can go on up. front elevator, to the mezzanine. daria turns toward the elevator. then doesn't go. just glances up toward the party, suddenly unenthusiastic.
i'm just here to do my job. daria looks back at douglas. studies him a moment. liking what she sees.
really, ma'am. i have a job to do. daria doesn't understand why he's not interested in her. then she glimpses douglas's magazine lying on the desk.
if that's your thing.
i'm not actually supposed to be
i'm hooked up.
i can be pretty rough.
douglas. and, man, i really gotta get back to what i'm supposed to be doing, okay? he looks away. scans the monitors.