watch yourself. miles nods. keep it tight. miles nods again, and they set off. bull's-eye. without a word, miles begins assembling equipment. fait pulls out a cell phone. we're in position. not for long. daria. tommy. your turn. this isn't a conversation. do it. it's an order. tommy knows he has to. shit. out. faith. this will trigger the silent alarm. let's go. we got eleven minutes. miles moves down the rows of drawers, using a tool to pop all the locks. fait and daria follow behind, quickly pulling out the drawers and emptying jewels into nylon bags. fait empties drawer after drawer. all white diamonds. when. he opens a drawer containing various colored diamonds. and stops, admiring them. i love colored stones. look at this. he holds up a small, faceted blue diamond. two-point-seven million. into the bag. drug dealers and money launderers. this i can use. pow. he takes the bag. stows it in his jacket. when. suddenly, fait's cell phone rings. surprising them. beat. fait answers. go. intercut with: who is this? don't think i'll do that. fait just hangs up. go time. leave the rest. stopped the trains. we're in the rabbit hole, they're sending down the snakes. daria comes with me. i got no idea where you should go, but you know where to end up. miles nods. faith. nice. that does it. she relaxes and smiles back. under which a voice crackles over the swat cop's radio. you know it's past your bedtime. 'just a little longer'. school tomorrow, baby. let's go. vanessa sighs. fait stands over her as she shuts down the computer, talking her through the commands, making sure she doesn't dawdle. 'exit.' 'quit.' 'do not save.' 'special.' 'shut down.' sleepy- time. whereupon he whisks her out of her chair, flies her once around the room and tucks her into bed. you bag some z's now, you hear? wait a second. i think there's something behind your good night. then fait looks up. addresses the air above her. angels east, angels west, north and south, do your best. guard her, watch her, while she rests. a bedtime ritual. fait goes. when she's alone, vanessa holds up the diamond, which catches every bit of available light and shines in the dark. then she rolls over and closes her eyes. she'll stay down now. i'll have a talk with her about it tomorrow. still to the nanny -- i got some work to do in the office. you can go on to bed. the guy who called was only interested in the black stones. or something. just then, miles enters. means this is all we got. you all wait to hear from me. to get some answers. miles moves to go with him. no. i got us into this. i'll call you if i need you. daria moves to him. their eyes meet. it's cool. as archie climbs out of the tank and joins fait -- pass. i got other business. fait and archie walk to a work table. nearby, two men unload hot tvs from a truck. one man calls to archie. don't know what you're talking about. ever see black diamonds before? find out how much they're worth. yesterday. i'll be back. i gotta go fuck over a guy who fucked me over. guess you got to him first. you're the one who called me. the one who took on my guy. who the fuck are you, man? cool. i'm sally. yeah? make me an offer. su stands. no deal. fait launches himself at su. gonna fight his way out the door. a much better fighter than miles. and. he's saved by the bell: the phone rings. the fight stops. the phone's near fait. beat. the answering machine picks up. who's this? intercut with: fine. how much? i got 'em, i'm selling 'em. so get your bid in or go fuck yourself. that your final offer? everybody think i'm the fucking goodwill or something? look, i've had a shitty night, and so far, i got zip for all my troubles. so i don't know who the fuck you are, and i don't care. but hear this: you can beat my ass around the block all night -- brother, it ain't gonna get you those stones. a long beat. the two men facing off. then. as su stands aside, giving fait a clear path out. oh, man. he's about to punch it. when. a cop car turns a corner and falls in beside him. fait throttles back. keeps driving. until, finally. the cops turn off. and now. fait hits it. until. traffic ahead forces fait to turn into an alley in a semi- industrial area. behind him, the escalade tries to follow, but is cut off by the on-coming cars. we stay with fait. he guns down the alley. reaches an intersecting alley. turns. guns it out of sight. man, how many times i gotta tell people: i'm a business man. make me a motherfucking offer. that shit ain't gonna do it, biggie. 'cause i ain't scared of guns, and i ain't got the stones. man, what the hell's up with these fucking stones? go. okay. you saved yourself to tell me. so tell me. who are they? what'd they say? that's it? thanks for keeping yourself alive to pass on all that valuable information. big question is, who's behind the boost? chambers. he's wired into everything going down in this city, and he can get that kind of firepower. gotta be him. runs the biggest outfit in town. what warlords are to afghanistan, chambers is to l.a. and you want to take him on, you're on your own. game over for me. and now that i'm truly fucked -- what the hell are you, anyway? you got some i.d.? beat. su takes out his wallet and shows him. doesn't mean shit to me. you read chinese? what, you some kinda asian james bond? yeah, well, they're chambers' now. and even governments don't go to war with him. under which, fait's cell phone starts ringing. i'm starting to hate this phone. what now? hey, it's mr. dangerous. 'sup, 'homie'? can't wait to hear. vanessa! motherfucker. don't you hurt her. he has my daughter. he wants to talk to you. su takes the phone. in chinese with english subtitles -- what'd you just do? what happened? you what? i gotta work with you? shit. we gotta go see chambers. oh, god. vanessa. i'm on the way to chambers. yeah, i know, but i got no other choice. just get the word into his pipeline that i'm coming and want permission to visit. i'll get back to you. faith. maybe chambers'll have a heart and give the stones back. yeah, right -- and maybe he'll join the peace corps. su looks over. beat. this ain't the biography channel. let's just get there. a long beat. l.a. moving by outside. eight. she'll be nine in september. beat. never happen. i'll just kill 'em. about time i got the 4-1-1. what's this all about? no shit. how about the guy who has vanessa? great. angels east, angels west, north and south, do your best. guard her, watch her, while she rests. chinese guy. how you doing, jump? i got a problem. good. the black stones. i need 'em back. jump, my daughter's mixed up in this. i gotta have the stones, or she's dead. no response. chambers just keeps eating. if you need something more than that, here it is. i'm begging you, jump. still no response. chambers finishes eating. wipes his face. finally -- she's my little girl. i used to look up to that guy. all i wanted was to be like him. this ain't taiwan. only thing we can do now is find out where the stones are and go take 'em. it won't be. they're about to get in the car. fait stops. looks back at the prison. suddenly realizing something. they're at his club. i know. i can feel it. that ever happen to you? i thought chinese people were all mystical and shit. it's no guess. but i could be wrong. we'll hit the club. you gotta see archie. he's gotta remember something about the guys who took down his place. pretend it's taiwan. make him remember. tommy. safe. he kneels. removes a desk panel. and. there it is. the safe is small but highly secure. take it down. miles finishes assembling a barrett .50 caliber rifle. a big gun. opens an ammo box labeled "depleted uranium. .50 cal." daria. get ready to move. they're here. somewhere else. i'm telling you, they're here. everyone out. fait's started searching the room. tearing it apart. i gotta save vanessa. i gotta find 'em. yes, you are. go. now. someone starts rattling the locked door. fait doesn't stop. shut up and get the fuck outta here! that's an order! miles hesitates. fait's unreachable. chambers' men are trying to break down the door. miles goes. out the window. onto the ascender-descender. and gone. nothing. get ready to move. and we see. the handcuffs aren't on him anymore. get the car. stay close. as daria, miles and tommy quickly mobilize, fait jumps into the bed of the truck. jumps on the atv. ignition. the moto-riders suddenly realize what's happening. yo. above ground parking garage in chinatown? get there. i knew the stones were in there. yeah. that's what i'm getting. where the hell is he? everyone stay put. off which, as he and su go -- no chambers' guys. i don't get it. they reach the closed office door, where they stop and listen. hear nothing. su and fait exchange a "ready-ready" look. then su opens the door. i get it now. su ignores the bodies, quickly moves to the zen fountain, where he reaches into the water and begins searching the rocks lining the bottom. beat. then -- are they there? su doesn't answer, still searching. no. this can't fucking happen. they gotta be there. another beat. then, at last, su holds something up: one black stone. it takes fait a moment to understand. what? that's it? what the hell happened? who got 'em? how do you know? how'd he get here before us? vanessa. he has the stones. there's no reason to keep her. hell, she's a little girl, she's eight years old -- she can't hurt him. he can let her go. he can just fucking let her go. su just looks at him. not a chance. and he knows fait knows it, too. it's over. for fait, it's as if his life just ended. what the hell am i gonna do? vanessa! which gets everyone's attention. okay, baby, okay. just calm down. under which, in b.g., su quickly ends the phone call to his superior. still in chinese -- where are you? try. try to see something. vanessa puts her eye to the window. finally finds a small gap in the paint. you see chairs and green light? where's the light coming from? the green light, baby -- is it bright? it's real bright. i know, baby. just hang in there vanessa?. vanessa!. shit! fait slams the phone down in frustration. but su's mind is on what she told them. okay, so we know what he's up to. how's it get us to vanessa? su considers it a moment. vanessa said she's inside a big building. could be a hangar. daria, call the aviation people. use our l.a.p.d. credentials. we need flight plan info for all private aircraft in this area tonight. everyone else get ready to move. miles, the no-gun policy's revoked. you break out the heat. tommy, you gotta get us a diversion. do it all fast. wick airfield. five private choppers arriving tonight within minutes of each other. it better be, or my baby's dead. he and su exchange a look. then -- let's go. so tell me. how the hell's taiwan fit into all this? ling? he was one of you? so what're you really after -- the stones or the payback? yeah. let's get it all. miles, what do you see? vanessa said she was in a van. that's gotta be it. when we get her, you move her outta miles. sentries. tommy and archie. watch out for the camper. punch it. stay. and he's gone, sprinting after her just as. drop the girl. put her down. charles lowers vanessa to the ground. he releases her. don't move. fait jumps to his feet. swinging the chocks. not quite like nunchakus; more like a medieval mace. and now, all of fait's fury comes pouring out as he uses the chocks to beat the living shit out of charles. charles tries to fight back, but he's out-matched by the chocks and fait's emotion. the punishing blows land like thor's hammer. until. a mighty swing nearly takes charles' head off. charles is unconscious before he hits the ground. fait stands over charles. tosses the chocks down. wrong kid. wrong dad. we got it all. what happens to the stones? looks like i'll be doing some jail time. we're not. fait looks at vanessa again. finding a new purpose in her eyes. beat. time i got real. he regards the others. time we all did. faith. another beat. then they turn and start walking toward the arriving cop cars. daria and miles follow. archie and tommy lag behind. as they all walk away from us --