archie still looking for the man with the diamond pinkie-ring. su still following. ding! the crowd's yelling and betting as number eight leaves his corner and advances on su. su has nothing against number eight. he's just trying to buy time. so he dodges his opponent. not exactly running. fighting by not fighting. a target one moment, gone the next. again and again, number eight swings and misses. until. number eight delivers a knockout blow. unfortunately it's against himself. the momentum of a missed punch carries him headfirst into a metal post. number eight drops. as the referee counts over number eight, su uses the chance to find. the place is bedlam. in the crowd, bets are going down on the battle royal, now in full effect inside the cage. su versus the five fighters. and the midget. the different fighters use different fighting styles against su. kickboxing, grappling, aikido, kali, american street fighting. su uses all his own skills and whatever's at hand. at one point he engineers it so one opponent turns on another opponent. at another point, su wields the midget like a fighting staff. one by one, su starts reducing the opposition. it's down to su and the kick boxer. the kick boxer spins and kicks and punches, and. su just ties the guy up in his own clothes. ties him into a pretzel. cinches him tight. then. looks for archie. can't find him. can't find the guy wearing the ring. and hurries out of the cage. su runs into the parking area. archie's in the t-bird. sitting, a little unnaturally in the front.