no way. uh-uh. shit. aloha. douglas looks up from his magazine. i hope you don't take offense at this. but i just have such a weakness for a man in uniform. uniform's definitely my thing. i mean, i see a sailor, i'm thinking, mmm, seafood. y'know? who's talking? honey, this is a flirting. but you're probably just another good-looking man wasting it all on women. world's full of fools. beat. douglas lets him see the genre magazine. yahtzee!. okay, mr. i-always-have- a-hard-nightstick. put away the pictures of those underfed, white males and let's broaden your horizons. i like sunsets and puppy dogs, and i'm big in the pants. just hope i'm not too cute for you. and don't tell me it's a color thing, hon, or i'll come over there and slap a little discrimination right upside your yummy little cheeks. another big, hot, cuddly, black love- jesus got there first. that bitch. taking you. from me. hey. this day and age, sweetie, i can appreciate the monogamy. saving it for your number one is keeping the world safe, and it's okay by me. even if you are just breaking my heart. guess i'll just have to come in here someday, let you catch me shoplifting and resist arrest -- just to have you wrestle me down and cuff me. don't you get me all excited now. i was just learning to accept my disappointment. tommy. but you can call me rachel. i'll leave you alone. but is it okay if i just stand here and stare at the muscles i'll be missing for the rest of my life? off which. who furtively flips her the bird. never missing a beat with douglas. earthquake. bet you know how to hit a ten on the richter scale. shit. five-0 at the do'. better move my car. what the hell happened? fait puts a finger to his lips. leads them across the room to another door. should we be considering a long vacation in a warm, foreign climate where there's no extradition? fait's thinking it through. little ass-whuppin's nothing. 'least you didn't have to play all foxy with the rent-a-cop. where're you going? here come da bug man. hey. howzit? pest control. don't tell me you didn't get your notice. see, that burns my ass right to the bone. i mean, hey, i'm here doing my job. anyway, putting that aside, if you had gotten your notice, you'd know there's a new city ordinance saying all businesses catering to foreigners gotta be sprayed. 'cause foreign people're bringing all yeah, well, maybe you should at least ask the manager about it. okay. your call. just know the city quarantine people'll be here first thing tomorrow. they'll be shutting you down for non- compliance. peace out. tommy starts to go. quicker'n a zip-loc. i'm a licensed exterminator. why would i be fucking with you? the doorman considers it another moment. then -- look. let's do this. you let me start with a couple small rooms, y'know, offices or something, someplace you don't have customers. upstairs, so the fumes don't bother anybody. i'll pop off a couple bug bombs, and then we'll do the rest later. how's that? the doorman considers a moment. then -- look. at. this. roger that. he positions the bug bombs. then. pffft. he sets off one. pffft. the other. as he goes -- just keep the door closed and be sure to give this shit a full hour before anyone comes in. off the closing door. question is, how do we get 'em out? place is slamming nonstop. a long beat. fait doesn't answer. what? this fucker's making bombs? freeze, motherfuckers! just be cool! at which point, russell breaks for his five-ton truck. i said don't move, motherfucker! russell just keeps going. slides open the side door in the back of the five-ton, revealing. a twin-fifty machine gun. two barrels, .50 caliber. dangerous even for a tank. russell vaults in and takes aim. shit! what do we do? how? the question's answered for him. he somehow does the right thing. and. tommy's machine gun begins ripping chunks out of the five- ton and everything near it. tommy's a horrible shot; the gun's more in control of him. but. russell finally dies under a hail of heavy lead. motherfucker. couldn't fucking listen. intercut with which. can you hit it? shot him right in the ass. thought you said it was no problem. jail? man, you just helped save the planet. law's gotta allow for that. a look between fait and su. su nods. means we're through with that life. fait's eyes meet tommy's. beat. tommy nods. fait looks to daria for her answer. maybe oughta try it yourself. i had plenty of straight jobs. i sold avon door-to-door. i was an avon man. you got a problem with that? nah, i'm just fucking with you. but my momma did it, and don't you dare start disrespecting my momma. and so on. off which, we. fade out: