chevy. i'm surprised to see you. ha! so i've heard. word travels fast. you amaze me, my friend. the shit they gave you . it's the chinese shit. there is no antidote. i wish there was something i could do. honestly, you should be dead already. it's a miracle. we give that shit to horses . c i'm sorry. what do you expect me to do? verona? that's just a small time punk. but. that's not to say there isn't an opportunity here. everyone knows the love i have for you, chev. maybe this can even the score for the don kim hit, which was perhaps ill- advised. the heat from hong kong has been more than we anticipated. don't be difficult. re you disrespecting me, chev? is that what you're doing? chelios. what a fucking mess you are. why don't you sit down? let me see that. clever . what is this, an insulin pump? ephedrine, right? very resourceful . that's enough. i said that's enough. it's been a long day. but in the end, you must agree, it all works out quite nicely. don kim gets his bullet, thanks to you. the chinese shit. hold him down. i'm afraid the houdini act is over, chelios. shut up, verona. get me out of here! now! i'll kill you for this, chelios! get down! ronnie james dio! jesus, man, where the fuck where you?