jesus! get a cell phone!!! come on . let me talk to him. where is he? where - thefuck - is - he? fine, yes, please let the doctor know that chev chelios is a dead man if he can't call me back within the hour. got that? c d-e-a-d. chelios. got it? thank you. kaylo. my man. so, where were you last night? i said, where were you last night? getting killed, you idiot! who would've thought that little bastard had the stones to come whack me in my own crib. it's inconceivable. and yet, here we are. i'm dead and you're simple. now listen: you put the word out i'm looking for ricky verona. anyone sees him you call me. i'm going to get that little son of a bitch if it's the last thing i do. it may actually be the last thing i do, understand that? copy me on that? find him! where's verona!! talk!! don't fuck with me!! don't tell me to calm down motherfucker! look, i got to find ricky verona . right, i know, you don't know where he is, but you're going to tell me where he is, or i'm going to blow your brains into that toilet!! where's verona. you pulled the anselmo job together, don't try to bullshit me . that's not how i heard it. alright. forget it. i just gotta find ricky verona, that little bitch . look, just give me some coke, ok? you got any coke? come on, man, i know you got coke. come on, i don't have time for this, just give me something . i'm really dying here . no. you don't understand, i'm really fucking dying . if i don't . may i just have some coke, please? that's right. ok, that's good. that's good. seems like some chinese assholes hired him to kill me. what do you know about it? of course i pulled the trigger! why wouldn't i pull the trigger?! his shit's not working. alright . who wants white meat? doc? great. you haven't been tight since your brother fucked you in 3rd grade. we'll see. you've got to do something for me, it feels so crazy, like it's in my blood . it's like. it's like. like i'm slowing down. like i'm caught in a tar pit. yeah. not really. actually i'm feeling pretty good right now. driving through a mall with five cops chasing me. i'm having a little trouble hearing you, doc. explain. what's that? that's what i'm trying to do. just keep moving. keep the blood pumping. every time i slow down it's like my veins start to rust. a couple grams of coke. yo! right here! go. straight. now. make a right. ey, crank the music. no, crank it. pull over. come on, right here. thank you. ok, i'll be back in one minute. don't go anywhere. you move, you die . ahhhhhhhhhh! hey boss. well, something urgent has come up. then you know what happened? what can i say. look, carlito, i need your help. i don't have much time. we've got to find an antidote or something. what's the matter? what, so that's it? a miracle. well you don't have to be so damn cool about it. tell me you're going to find that punk verona and his whole fuckin' crew and feed `em to a cage of wolverines. what is this? are you boys now or something? opportunity. ill advised? oh. that's outstanding, carlito. i'm glad to know that my death can be of some use to you. am i being difficult? is this what you call difficult? i don't know if you noticed, but i'm having a difficult fucking day, bro! orget it, i'm out of here. i just gave you 200 dollars to wait for 3 minutes. al qeada! yeah. shit. in english, doc. please. epi . something . ok, ok. i gotta go. yeah. yeah, what is it? uh huh. where are you now? i'm there. meet me on 3rd and flower. motioning to the restaurant) he's in there now? did anyone go in with him? how you like that one, tough guy? how freaking awesome was that? you feel like talking to me? where's your brother? nice . wonder how many steaks i could get out of you . what?? jesus . nothing's easy . you want to hold hands? hey ricky, whadya think about sucking me off, ya in the mood? maybe let me lick your ass or sumtink? that's right, bro. you wanna guess how i got your brother's cell phone? i can tell you have it all figured out. looks like you should've cut me up when you had the chance. what's that? i can't hear you . experiencing some 20. 20 hindsight? i know, i know . hey, what's this? a necklace? you guys really are faggots aren't you? no thanks, but you know i believe i'll hang onto it. looks like you'll have to come find me after all. fucked up that you killed your own brother. out. what was that. epi. shit. 10 milligrams. huh? oh. i'm taking off. i'd get out of here if i were you. i'm looking for something . starts with `e' . that's funny. no, i'm talking about some kind of artificial adrenaline . some shit . you know . i have heart problems. yes! yes . that's it . you have it? why? come on, what is that. what? you've got epinephrine on this cart! i want that shit! what? yeah, yeah. shut up!!! don't even think about it! give me that. not going to tell you again. now juice me. i haven't got all day, just do it, will you? get down, assholes! how much of this stuff did he say to take? woah. woah. woah. oh shit! yep. got it. yep. right. check. check. let me check. check. urinary sphincter . check . negative. check. copy. copy. out. you want it? you want this? yeah. you've been home all day? you were sleeping in, that's great, eve . super great . you all rested now? well, i'm glad to hear that. listen, i've been fatally poisoned, there's probably a psychopath heading over there to torture and kill you as we speak, but don't bother getting out of bed, i'll be there in a flash . maybe you could fry me up a waffle or something, kay? right, you'll be there, ok. hey doll. that's right. you into it? thank you. you haven't turned on the tv today, right? didn't think so. listen, we've got to get out of here. what? the microwave. you love me, right? then i need you to do something for me. i need you to put some clothes on and come with me right now. i'll change the clock on the microwave. great, great . yes. no! . thanks . nothing . burned my hand . it's nothing. don't worry about it. let's get out of here . i said i'm ok, can we just leave??!! i'm sorry . look, can we just . shit! i'm parked out back. the thing. what thing. you trying to burn down the building? whoa whoa whoa. is this yours? my car. actually. i took a cab. you know, i didn't have a lot of time to pick this out . alright, here it is. i told you i was a video game programmer. that was a lie. actually. i kill people. i'm a professional hitman. i freelance for a major west coast crime syndicate. last night was a job like a hundred others. a high dollar hit. nothing special. your life, jackass. a hundred grand wants you dead, so sooner or later it's going to happen. but i'm not doing it. nstead, you're going to do something for me. you're going to get out of town. disappear. i don't care where you go, i don't care what you do, so long as you're invisible for 48 hours. that's all i ask. or if you prefer, we can do it the other way, the way where i go to work and you go meet buddah. see: i quit. i quit the business. for you. figure i call you that night. i tell you everything. you understand. yeah, well. i may be going on a trip, but you're not coming with me. eve. baby. please! you think it sounds crazy? how do you think i feel - i've gotta live this shit. just need. wait a minute. do you trust me? make love to me. come on. i think it'll help. take your clothes off. you always say you want to be more spontaneous. save me, eve. save my life. i'll fucking get it up! shut up! i'm still alive! i'm still alive!!! shit! yeah. kaylo? no shit. where are you? shh. downtown? listen to me. you don't let that motherfucker out of your sight. i'll be there in ten minutes. you got that? out. i have to go. please understand. hit! i'll call you! right. just step on it, alright? nice. what the hell. tastes like ass. what'd you say was in this stuff? wow. it's all you, man. keep it. right. wait a minute, wait a minute . this is fucked. hey, what a coincidence, you like this spot too? yeah i am. where's kaylo? ok, ding, time's up . alright, where is that motherfucker? what the fuck is this? what? carlito? carlito ordered this? just die. maybe you're right. that's true . we all gotta die . right . so . let's all die . ow! nice. come on! wait - ok, now come on. here's the keys? cool. welcome to my life. oh. yeah. the poison? yeah, that's true too. pretty much. adrenaline. it's the only thing that slows it down. yeah. sorry. what are you doing? what? oh boy. oh yeah, that's. that's really working for me. stay down. that's it that's it that's it. just a little. what's the matter? they're dead. i told you, baby. i quit. wait here. jesus christ! now what? stay. i can't feel my leg. where are you? sure, why not? gesturing with his head at the it feels sort of good. so i'm not. better? so. what are you going to do? then what? does she know? a dream. no. no, that's not what i want. one hour. i want one hour. hey douchebag, thought you might be interested in a little deal. i want the antidote. that's right. how about the jewelry i got off your faggot brother, you cocksucker? thinking about it? you like that deal? i'll be at downtown standard in twenty minutes. you know the spot? don't be late, or i'll trade this thing to some whore for a hand job . it's going to be alright, baby. i know. but things have changed. there's an antidote. i can make a deal for it, but i've got to go alone. of course. but you'll be safe now. and i'll be back. i promise. what's happening, brother? did you say something? right, with you popping valium like tic tacs and balling some new asshole every two weeks. why wouldn't i stick around for entertainment like that? mom, i got no time for this. orlando? this is weird. i'm the terminator. don't tell me you're talking about your bro, def lepard. yeah, not so much. i don't get it - why didn't you guys just cut me up alive when you had the chance? who the hell are you, anyway? i think i'm starting to figure it out. yeah, maybe. but i'm taking you with me. some pills, doc. easy . looks like everyone's here. no shit. basically. we'll see what kind of a bitch you are when carlito hires you for half what he used to pay me. and you take it. you'll probably throw boss a nice little reach-around just to show what a good bitch you are. is that what i think it is? not so fast, motherfucker. booosh! presto. too late! oh no you don't. present from kaylo. i told you i'd kill you, you son of a bitch! Hey doll. Looks like I let you down again. You were right about me . funny, you really have time to reflect on things when you know you're going to die . seems like all my life I've just been going, going, going . I wish I'd taken more time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak, but well, I guess it's too late now. you were the greatest, baby. 92: ( ( (