doc miles. sorry baby, i just got the message. alright, slow down. you say you've been poisoned. can you describe the symptoms? blurred vision? dizziness? pain in your chest? what are you doing? the flow of adrenaline is keeping you alive. listen, chev - you have to keep moving. if i'm right, they gave you the beijing cocktail. very nasty . works on your adrenal gland, blocking your receptors. the only way to slow it down is to keep the flow of adrenaline constant. meaning: if you stop, you die. if you stop, you die. have you taken anything? oh boy. well, that's a start. look, i'll be back in la in an hour. i'll call you as soon as i land. keep yourself pumped up. don't stop, don't quit, i'll be there. relax. i mean don't relax. listen to me. the shit they gave you is cutting off your adrenaline. your only shot is to massively increase the level of ephedrine in your body . to force out the inhibitors . you've got to get to an emergency room and get yourself some epinephrine . it's artificial adrenaline . it comes in 10 milligram syringes . the shit's potent so don't overdo it . probably a fifth of an injection will do. nephrin. epi-nephrin. i'll call you - chevy! i'm in the air, man. did you get the stuff i told you? you took it? you shot the whole thing, didn't you? oh boy. i said a fifth of a syringe, you idiot. now you're dead for sure. chest is on fire. but you're cold. you got a steel hard on. that's the stimulation of the blood vessels . your urinary sphincter is tight as a knot . couldn't pee to save your life . maybe you can get a hold of some vicadin . you still at the hospital? maybe some weed . i don't know . well, that shit should be out of your system in a half hour or so, if you live that long . this air phone is costing me a fortune . look, i'll be in la in twenty minutes. i'll call you when i hit the ground. you're a good kid, chev. nice knowing you. chevy! holy shit, man, i've been trying to reach you for a half hour. i'm at my office. can you get here? you're my best customer. synthetic ephedrine, diluted with saline. oh, i also gave you a little meth. that's the endorphins rushing into to your brain that you're feeling. fuck no. you're in such shit shape it's stunning. i've never seen a heart take this kind of punishment and keep ticking. you should be in a fucking medical journal or something. the solution i'm giving you is acting as a competitive inhibitor. meaning it pushes the poison out of your receptors and replaces it with a chemical. it's a temporary fix. look, if we put you on life support we could maybe string you out for a few days, but at some point you'd almost certainly lapse into a coma. and then. f you want, i can load you up with something, you'll go out in a beautiful dream. can i do that for you, chev? then . what?