what's shaking, douchebag? thought i'd give you the heads up. you're dead. yeah, that's right, you little bitch . if you're watching this tape it means that i somehow resisted the urge to dismember you and shove the pieces down the garbage disposal . opting instead to poison you in your sleep. yeah, you heard me. i fucking poisoned you in your sleep. how sick is that?. for the satisfaction of watching you squirm out your last minutes knowing it was me that did it to you, and there's nothing you can do about it. let me guess, you're trying to puke the shit out, right? right? don't bother. your heartbeat is slowing down like there's rust in your veins. you're like the tin man in the wizard of freaking oz. hey, it's been real. probably should've thought twice before you whacked don kim. experiencing a little 20. 20 hindsight? i thought so. have a nice death. asshole. ey, what's up, doc! ude, aren't you dead yet? what the hell are you doing out there? eah, whatever. look, just thought you'd like to know that i'm all about hooking up with that mystery girl you've been banging as soon as your ass is underground . i forgot to say so on that gay james bond tape i left for you. arlito? that's funny, i guess you didn't know. carlito's my boy now, we're tight. lever. snappy. did you pretty good, didn't i, chelios? come on, you can admit it. right, right, and the best part about it is. i doubt it. talk to me, bro. you're supposed to be dead!!! struggling to find a heinous enough threat) i'll . i'll . you motherfucker, my grandfather gave that medallion to my father, and then to - realizing he's said too much) . fuck you, man, shove that thing up your ass. you - right, so. let's go get the bitch. give me a fucking break. oh . you think? jesus . it's him. alright, shut up. what's up, corpse. oh, the antidote, huh? and what are you prepared to give me. asshole. hmmm. alright. whatever. of course. i'll be there. what the hell are you looking at? what's up, dead? wait a minute. gesturing to the goons by the door) pat him down again. he's carrying something. what the fuck is insulin? i'm nobody's little bitch. i'm nobody's little bitch, you hear me? he'll pay what i tell him to pay! speak for yourself. dude's gone dipsy doodle. whatever, psycho. ourfather whoartinheaven hallowedbethy - now what? now say shit! who's the bitch now? that's right, motherfucker! fly! you're dead, you're dead, you're dead!