in the private aircraft hangar. anybody could have walked in. no. what about your camera girl? did she come? poor darling. what can i do about karen? how can i arrange to have her seduce me? she desperately needs a conquest. there, that's better. not a lot of action here. if i groundloop during my flying lesson on saturday you might wake up and find me next to you. yes. from wendel. to celebrate the licence approval for our air-charter firm. i forgot to tell you. well, yes. you're getting out of bed tomorrow. they want you to walk. the other man, the dead man, his wife is a doctor -- dr helen remington. she's here, somewhere. as a patient, of course. maybe you'll find her in the hallways tomorrow on your walk. he was a chemical engineer with a food company. yes. aida telephoned to say how sorry she was, but could you look at the storyboards again, she's made a number of changes. outside in the visitors' car-park. my car, not yours. yours is a complete wreck. the police dragged it to the pound behind the station. the sergeant asked me to identify it. he didn't believe you'd gotten out alive. it is? both front wheels and the engine were driven back into the driver's section, bowing the floor. blood still marked the hood, streamers of black lace running toward the windshield-wiper gutters. minute flecks were spattered across the seat and steering wheel. the instrument panel was buckled inwards, cracking the clock and the speedometer dials. the cabin was deformed, and there was dust and glass and plastic flakes everywhere inside. the carpeting was damp and stank of blood and other body and machine fluids. i wish i had. they bury the dead so quickly -- they should leave them lying around for months. no, i couldn't. i feel too close to her. renata tells me you're going to rent a car. how can you drive? james. your legs. you can barely walk. i've never really noticed. is renata going with you? i'm amazed that she'll let you drive her. maybe i am a little. james, i've got to leave for the office. are you going to be all right? i can't believe you've done this. yes, it is. are you planning to have another car crash? he must have fucked a lot of women in that huge car of his. it's like a bed on wheels. it must smell of semen. do you find him attractive? would you like to fuck him, though? in that car? have you seen his penis? is he circumcised? can you imagine what his anus is like? describe it to me. would you like to sodomize him? would you like to put your penis right into his anus, thrust it up his anus? tell me, describe it to me. tell me what you would do. how would you kiss him in that car? describe how you'd reach over and unzip his greasy jeans, then take out his penis. would you kiss it or suck it right away? which hand would you hold it in? have you ever sucked a penis? do you know what semen tastes like? have you ever tasted semen? some semen is saltier than others. vaughan's semen must be very salty. they're questioning vaughan about an accident near the airport. some pedestrian. they think he was run over intentionally. you'd better drive him. he's a bit shaky. i'll follow in my car. where is yours? i'd better come with you, then. are you sure you can drive? my last lesson's next week. james. my car. i wasn't driving. i'd left the car in the parking-lot at the airport. could it have been deliberate? one of my suitors. i'd like to go back. james. james. james, i. i don't know. i think i'm all right.