of course. be there in a minute. where were you? did you come? we were interrupted. i had to go back to the set. i've been thinking about that, about you and karen. thank you. they consider this to be the airport hospital. this ward is reserved for air-crash victims. the beds are kept waiting. i'll listen for you buzzing over. is that a gift from wendel? it has an aeronautical feel to it. that's going well, then. and her husband? what was he? where's the car? what!? they brought the car here? have you seen it? it's about time. after being bombarded endlessly by road-safety propaganda, it's almost a relief to have found myself in an actual accident. yes? yes. dr. remington? you should have gone to the funeral. what about his wife? the woman doctor? have you visited her yet? i can't sit on this balcony forever. i'm beginning to feel like a potted plant. is the traffic heavier now? there seem to be three times as many cars as there were before the accident. i thought she might come along. handling a car again might be more tiring than i imagine. you're not envious? no. there's still a patch of blood there on the road. did you see it? you were the last one i saw just before the accident. do you remember? we made love. i can drive. i'm not thinking about the crash at all. it's not here. maybe the police are still holding it. their forensic people. you'll tear your gloves. i don't think we should have come here. i'm surprised the police don't make it more difficult. can i give you a lift? i somehow find myself driving again. you haven't told me where we're going. the airport? why? are you leaving? i take it you're not wearing white to reassure them. so -- why the airport? look at all this traffic. i'm not sure i can deal with it. are we imagining it? the road research laboratory? where they simulate car crashes? isn't that rather too close? what is it? really? what kind of exhibition is it? you're kidding. you're not jealous, are you? you have to understand. helen and i had this strange, intense. experience together. it's strange -- i thought all this would be far more popular. who is that? the announcer. do i know him? oh, yes. i thought he was a medical photographer, doing some sort of accident research. he wanted every conceivable detail about our crash. is that part of the act or are they really hurt? why are the police taking this all so seriously? do you live here? with seagrave? what kind of help can i possibly be to you? you seem to be everywhere at once as it is. what exactly is your project, vaughan? a book of crashes? a medical study? a sensational documentary? global traffic? vaughan, what the hell are you doing? are you trying to create your own famous crash? it does. he's very pale. covered with scars. no. but when he's in that car. i think it's badly scarred too. from a motorcycle accident. please finish your story. and you had sex with all of these men in cars? only in cars? and did you fantasize that vaughan was photographing all these sex acts? as though they were traffic accidents? you could get your wish at any moment. is that why you drive this car? i take it that you see kennedy's assassination as a special kind of car crash? it's very. satisfying. i'm not sure i understand why. what about the reshaping of the human body by modern technology? i thought that was your project. hard to say. no, thanks. i'll go with vaughan. vaughan isn't interested in pedestrians. at home. i couldn't face all this traffic. we must have driven through a pool of blood. if the police stop you again, they may impound the car while they have the blood analyzed. hello? ballard. where are you? where do you think that one should go? i thought that was you, up there. what? tell me. one of your suitors? it's vaughan. he's courting you. let's go find him. the traffic. where is everyone? they've all gone away. not yet. it's only beginning. vera! vera seagrave! are you leaving, vera? listen, i'm trying to find vaughan. i think he'll be waiting for us at the airport. i'd like to register a claim for the black 1963 lincoln, the one that came in a couple of days ago. is there a form i can fill out? a close friend owned it. catherine. are you all right? are you hurt? maybe the next one, darling. maybe the next one.