listen, beast. what have i told you about linen? it's liver saute. fine, then, chicken in gravy. but you're going to have to eat the liver tomorrow. goodness, this is a bad one. tip your head back. come on. pinch it, chandra. pinch it. mr. johansen, hello. i'm so sorry i'm late. it's very nice to meet you. i do apologize. a student had a crisis. a bloody nose. a bloody nose of epic proportions. no cherry drops, jenny. yes, hi. i'm calling for paul lascher. could you tell him it's letty? he can't? um, well, tell him, tell him that they went for my math idea. thanks. not so rough, guys. mom? hi. you'll never guess what. i've got the best news. no, about work. how about dinner? you're in trouble, young lady. i know, mom. but it's the only place i can call from. can you tell ruth about dinner? paul's fine, just fine. got to go, mom. the monsters call. so, i got the district to approve my after-school math program. i'll be running it three days a week, and. not now, but maybe later, if they like the program. what's up with you? no, mom, it's more of a prestige thing. ruth. calling ruth. just go ahead and tell us. come on. well, my theory is that people can really enjoy math, but they lose interest. wow. congratulations. you've only known jake a few months. it's not another one. it's my sister. aren't you happy for her? in there's better. it's kind of romantic, don't you think? believe me, i know your feelings on the matter. my math program. the superintendent said he'd fund it. yeah? congratulations. we should celebrate. i mean tonight. like right now. oh, ok. maybe. sure. of course. let me have it. i'm sorry about your turtle bobby, but you know we only have show-and- tell on mondays. today, we're scheduled for grammar. don't even think about it. class, why don't you. you guys pull out your verb sheets and review them. mom won't miss your wedding. she'll come around. i promise she will. i'll talk to her, and to dad, too. a few wisely-chosen guilt tactics and they'll be ours. maybe. oh, wait a minute, now i see where you're going. mom and dad? at dinner together? are you crazy? maybe, though. maybe it would work. i could throw you an engagement party maybe. you know what, ruthie? i better get back to my class, ok? yeah, it'll be fun. who can come up here and give me a sentence with a "to be" verb in it? come on up, zach. neater, zach. zach, you know the line by the "a" has to come straight down or it looks like an "o." what's wrong, zach? try again, zach. like that. i don't believe it. you still can't do it. no, it's not ok. you'll never get to college on ok. it has to be good, zach. do you understand me? i'm very, very sorry, zach. you know what, guys? wednesday's not a grammar day. it's a collage day. it's a collage on the wall day. and, zach? zach, i want you to be in charge of paste. i'm calling in sick. i don't feel like going to work today. it'll be ok. paul, i just can't go. is that ok with you or am i committing some horrible crime? i'm sorry. i'm just. i'm so tired lately. no, it's not like that. it's just i've got those parent conferences, and i'm supposed to set up the math program by next week. no, i can't. i've already convinced both mom and dad to come. i don't think so. yeah. maybe. i see. well. oh. what the fuck. it's my job. hit me. no more bear claws left? do you have to call her mommy? she said she'd be here at 10. i'd have to see it on. things have been kind of stressful lately. yeah, everything's under control. everything's ready for tomorrow night--except the artillery. you better start trying on before the vultures get all the good ones. you look beautiful. truly. hi, mom. no, not yet. but you know paul. he's sure to get it. oh no. mom, please. do you think i should? mom? mom? ruth? can i get you a glass of champagne? hi, dad, monica. i'm so glad you could come. mom, this is monica. monica, my mother, martha. dad, mother, you've met before, right? it's mushroom-time, folks. you can always call it, dad. ruth's narrowed the dress hunt down to two, dad. you know what i think we need? martinis. how about martinis to celebrate? puglia olives. would i forget? a round of martinis coming right up. paul, can you hand me the olives? ruth, i need you to, what was it? yeah, i just put it in. but the squab, i think that needs to be basted. fuck me. olives aux herbes de provence. i got the wrong kind of olives. sage, rosemary. les herbes. no, no. they've got to be puglia olives, packed in a light brine with a flavor that doesn't overpower the palate. can you loan me a 20? i'm going to the store. i'll be back before you can say souffle. i can't find martini olives. all you have are black. they're not there. i need the ones from puglia. they're the ones that are packed in brine, but they don't overpower the, you know, the palate. where are they? where are they? where are they? tell me where they are. i need my olives. fucking olives. fucking, fucking olives. no, no, no. go away. letty. i answered these questions last night. hillview psychiatric hospital. no, 79. sorry, this makes me nervous. chair, cup and ball. no. sometimes my food, and my clothes, and my underwear. by color. is this really important? because i don't think it's a problem. a while, i guess. i did this already. to be interviewed every hour? well, i don't have hallucinations. honest. yeah, and a dimple. psychologist, therapist, whatever. what? what kind of place is this? i want to see my mother immediately. i don't think you understand. i won't wait. i'm really not that hungry. you know, my mom's coming to get me tomorrow. i'll be leaving. i'm a teacher. we've met. i missed you during rounds this morning. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry. mom, i was there, and i just, i was so. i'm so glad to see you. you can't believe the people in here. they've got patients posing as doctors. i just want to go home. can we go home now? maybe i should talk about this with ruth, or paul. you all really think i need to be here? but what about beast? who'll? and my class. it'll be hard to find a good substitute. and what about my math program? charges? mom, no, please don't go. please. tomorrow? you took bets on my diagnosis? you have no right, no right to take the worst thing that's ever happened to me and make it into some kind of game. i'm not the one who's masquerading as a doctor. i'm not the one who's, who's. i'm not the one who's schizophrenic. i don't see people who aren't there or run around acting crazy. go fuck yourself. oh, no. of course i do. do we have to talk about this? excuse me? anything interesting. but you're checking it out. you keep the book. i'm looking for emily dickinson. i haven't heard an apology. yeah, i guess it's all right. that's a big question. something you did? of course not, no. is that why you're here? yes, i suppose so. no. especially now. i have too, paul. i know. we can't just keep going through the motions. you don't have to say anything else. i've known for a while that this was coming. or be up past ten or fraternize with other patients. it's, it's really nice, paul. no, you've done a perfect job. do you think, really, that it's ok to get engaged when i'm in here? no, no. of course. yes. i will. i do. i wasn't hungry. finally. i was getting tired of watching him try every night. paul. he asked me to marry him. it was romantic. he's very romantic. what have you done with the ring? this isn't funny. paul would kill me. enough with the abracadabra. the right one. come on, michael. really, this isn't funny. good god. i won't do your portion of kitchen cleanup. and i'm not covering for you when you sneak out to call dominos. get serious. everything's a joke with you. the medicine's still bothering me. it feels like i have cotton wrapped around my brain. i think i've told you all the news. let's see--the engagement. oh, and my sister's coming to visit me, and they say my cat misses me. i miss beast a lot, too. i can't believe you finally gave me the shirt. that settles it. i'm never leaving. you're slowing. ecru. do we have to talk wedding details? i mean, you can always send me fabric samples to look at or pictures of dresses. but, it's been so long since we've seen each other. tell me more about beast beating up that other cat. ruthie, do you ever wonder if you'll meet someone else. someone besides jake? i didn't say. we're supposed to be asleep. we'll get caught. don't be ridiculous. there's a spider in my room. it's got a green dot on its back. i can't go to sleep with it watching me. it had this red spot on its back. mottled really. green and red. lie? to talk? well, ok, that might be good. i don't mean to go on and on like this. he was graduating from law school, and he just assumed i was ok with dropping out. we never really talked about it. but i know he was disappointed in me. i mean i'm just not sure i want the same things now that i did even a month ago. is that so wrong? i guess so. i think that's right. you've been so great. i just feel a lot clearer about things. and if i need to talk again. sorry i'm late. i couldn't really say anything because of that fraternizing rule. i'm a grown woman, dr. emlee. i can take care of myself. i know michael's a schizophrenic, and mrs. hallstrom's manic- depressive, and john lockyer has episodes of psychosis, and i heard a rumor that you suffer from delusions of grandeur. i don't need a lecture. i care about michael. look, i know he's almost through with treatment here. and, he's on medication. i don't want to hear anymore. first you tell me to do what i want to, then you tell me to stop. the lady knows this is a dandelion. thanks. where've you been all day? sounds important. really? me too. wow. i'm bad news. schizophrenic recidivism marked by hallucinations and paranoid delusions. what are the delusions like? sure. but i took out a whole grocery store. i'm starting to think that everyone's crazy to some extent. break up? they wish. you too, mom. which flowers did you order? oh, ok, well, better to choose the table cloths first anyway. this would complement the blue in the bride's maids' dresses. look. we aren't allowed to wear jewelry in here, mom. i haven't had a crush since i was i'll put it out if it bothers you. what? mom, please. mom, look, if i want to dump paul, i'll dump him. if i want to screw michael or live with him or marry him, then i'll do that. and if i want to smoke, i'll fucking smoke. if you change your mind, we'll be in the dining hall. oh, no. i'm stuffed. i was. i'm hoping i'll still have a job when i get out. what's she doing? michael, we've got to stop her. i just want to see beast. where would you go? no way. why? what else would you do? and we'd eat spaghetti-o's in bed from the can. i have a terrible confession. i don't like lamb. lie down. your family just met me. do you? michael, i. but i do. i love you, too. john and nurse gates are waiting for you. great. i came to tell you to break a leg, and to give you this for good luck. i need to tell you something, and i'm not sure how. no. paul, i want to break off the engagement. i don't mean to hurt you. i know this is a terrible thing. and i have really loved you. i've met someone else. it doesn't matter who. no. he's a patient here. i love him. here's the ring. i've made my decision, paul. well? m tell me all. so there were no problems? and did you go to the mission? just checking. yeah. all over. did you see your new apartment? furnished? first off, you'll need to go to target. and, let's see, what should you buy? list schmist. you'll remember. it's going to be a difficult few weeks for him. it really does. are you kidding? with those glazed eyes? i'm willing to bet 10 there was some break with reality going on there. psychosis. without a doubt, psychosis. but what i really can't believe is that i'm starting to actually miss work. i thought about calling, but i want to wait until i know when i'll be out. what? are you saying i'm through with therapy? it's good exercise, mom. i've already made arrangements. mom, we agreed. you can visit, but you're not allowed to mention michael. nyet. that's the condition. one more and you're out. a deal's a deal. i knew you had it in you. ok, good. that's good. thanks an awful lot for everything, and for coming down here to see me off. i have a going-away gesture for you, too. i'll miss you, mrs. hallstrom. you know i will. thanks for everything. aren't you ever quiet? i've heard the mission in santa barbara is the place to go. open up. i want to see. wow. i love the pillows. very trendy. let's see the rest. it's tv heaven. let's try out the bed. i love your apartment. you'll never get rid of me. what do you say we go out to dinner to celebrate? how can you not like the top 10 list? you're so wrong. it's sex time. did i get spaghetti sauce on my face? michael. not yet. go away. i'm supposed to meet the principal in half an hour. good luck. my apartment tonight. you can meet beast. yeah? well, i understand. i know my behavior was poor. look, gail, i've been a good teacher. believe me, i wish i'd understood what was going on. i've worked really hard to get better. i've already thought about how to tell the kids where i was. and i'd like to send the parents this letter of explanation. with your support, i think they can accept me. what does that mean? office work? it's open. thanks. that's mr. beast to you. i bombed. it's either work in the office or nothing. yeah. how was the job search? who ever said sanity was fun? promise? steak? i thought maybe you got lost. you got wine. that's great. you go ahead and relax. i'll cook. are you ok? but what about the red meat-blues thing? how's filet sound? i'll never mget the hang of this. hi, frank. maybe we should make lamb next week. how'd it go? what happened? the restaurant, too? that's ok. we can call and reschedule in the morning. i think you know i'd love you even more in a blue polyester cap. you're going to miss the top ten. michael, hurry. i think i could get the program up and running in the next two weeks. she's worried that i'm unstable. but i wouldn't push for the program if i wasn't ready. i'd have to do that, too. but i've gotten better at pacing myself. i'll call you if i have problems. scout's honor. i got worried. are you ok? congratulations. michael just got a job. couldn't you congratulate him? he's been looking everywhere for weeks, mom. it's not that easy after you've been locked away. i'm going to take that as an honest effort at being open minded. just remember that i love him. no, that's aunt connie. lily is the one who looks like a hooker. you don't have to know all this by saturday. it took me years. bingo. i don't think people even noticed. i thought the ceremony was perfect. uh oh, uncle cort at 6 o'clock. has it been that long? i'm dating michael now. well, he just got a job. at the psych hospital. that's fine, uncle cort. when he could get time off from the restaurant business. bye, uncle cort. what's with the lie? pretty close. it's not good to drink so much with the medication you're on. thanks, dad. michael? michael? you should come to bed. did you take the aspirin and water? you don't want to feel awful in the morning. i'll get you some. what is it? are you ok? what? we both talked to her, michael. and your dad. what do you mean not taking your meds? i didn't talk to her about medications, michael. don't be silly. michael, take it easy. i think i should call someone. michael, calm down. please. it's michael, stop. i've got an emergency. i'm at. 1450 north jenkins. apartment 2. my boyfriend's out of control. please, please, send someone. no, he's having an attack. he's schizophrenic. i'm sorry, so sorry. i never should have called. i ruined your wedding night. oh, ruthie, what am i going to do? but what am i going to do? i can't. i can't see him there. i was so sure. i really thought it would work. we have plans, ruth. i'm just glad there aren't any hard feelings. oh. i start on monday. getting back. what? michael. yes. our relationship meant a lot to me, too, paul. but it's over. and michael being in the hospital doesn't really change things. i'm really sorry. sure, i understand. wait. wait. i need to give you this. hi. i guess we need to talk. it's hard to know where to start. i think about you all the time. and all the plans we have. i've been thinking i could try to visit you at night after work, and then there'd be more time on weekends to see. what? someone has to take care of you right now, michael. you tore up the apartment. you stopped taking your medications. well then why'd it happen? i'm sorry. i didn't come here to blame you. oh, god, michael, i know. why does everything have to be so hard? what are we going to do? i know i don't want to lose you. i don't think i could stand it. no. i can't, michael. i'm so sorry, but i just can't handle all this right now. i love you so much. maybe we could just run away to tahiti and live on the beach. don't you have a magic trick or something to make this easier? i can still come visit you, you know. just promise me you'll be ok, ok? i guess i should go now. first of all, i want to welcome you to mathshop. i have lots of fun games planned for us. let's see, bobby, can you help me pass out these cards? is something wrong, bobby? i had what some people call a nervous breakdown. i wasn't dealing with life so well so i went. to a psychiatric institution. it's a place where you figure out what you want, and what things in your life aren't working. you learn to look out for yourself and not get. let me show you the best thing i learned.