miss mayer? miss mayer? i know you've had a rough night, but i have a few questions for you, miss mayer, or letitia. do you mind if i call you letitia? first off, letty, can you tell me where you are? i know this can be a real drag, but the attending physician on day shift is required to do his own prelim exam when a patient is admitted during the night. great. now, letty, i'd like you to remember three items. i'm going to ask you to repeat them in just a few minutes. they are chair, cup and ball. did you get that? ok, let's subtract 6 from a succession of numbers starting with and 85 minus 6? it's ok. it's not a pass-fail kind of thing. now the three things i asked you to remember. terrific. let me shift gears here a minute. do you ever hear voices that other people don't hear or see things they don't? what about patterns? do you find yourself checking and re-checking locks? or washing your hands over and over again? how about arranging your possessions in a certain way? yes? go right ahead. how do you sort it--by lace and cotton? what if it's got a pattern? i see. how long has it been since you've done something you've enjoyed, letty? that must be really difficult. hey, it'll be ok. we'll make sure of that. for now, why don't you just take it easy while i confer with my colleagues. a nurse should be in shortly. no, just hit in the head. not that she admits to. no, but she is exceptionally organized. she arranges her underwear by color. mrs. hallstrom, you want in? i'll float you. what about you, marie? now i'm going to say that the card you picked was the ace of spades. four people bet ocd and clinical depression so i split the pool. hey there. they're showing "groundhog day" if you. it's no big deal. we all compare. don't take it personally. stop acting like you're someone special. you're just like the rest of us. oh, no, you're perfectly sane. that's why you're here. i don't think we need to sacrifice letty to pep up a slow session. what are you looking to read? this is good. i've already checked it out 17 times. hey, if you take the magic book, i'll feel like maybe you accept my apology and don't hate me anymore. i'm really sorry i hurt your feelings. i got a little carried away. can you ever forgive me? mrs. hallstrom, i'm pretty sure you could use that. now, don't you have a gin rummy, mrs. hallstrom? go ahead, now, just lay those cards down. hot damn. gin rummy. i told you so. you're three games up on me. you missed out on some great broccoli florets at dinner. john even managed to lob a load of mashed potatoes into mrs. hallstrom's milk. was it bad news--the visit from peter? he looked pretty serious. very romantic setting. so are you engaged, or what? it's magic. guess which hand. guess. the fair maiden guesses incorrectly. should we give her one more try? the audience says one more try. what guess you now? with this ring, i thee. ok, ok, i'll give it back. for a price. a small price. no. i want a kiss. i'm serious. here. not me. exactly. no rounds for another three hours. nervous? scared? worried you're not fit for a caper of epic proportions? rendezvous at the closet in 30. extra large pepperoni and mushrooms. and two cokes. hillview psychiatric hospital on glenfield. off the fourth street exit. it's a pizza. you don't understand. this is a very important, very special, morale-boosting pizza. shhh. how's it look? i like those sapphire earrings myself. a daisy for the lady. a rose is a rose. back-to-back sessions with the shrink. i'm not allowed to see you anymore. i had to sneak by the guards to get here. they say you're highly unstable, have a depressive personality, and may hold back my own recovery. what's my rap? fuck. that's all true. really, though. my thoughts go haywire sometimes. i think people are after me, crap like that. shocking, huh? i wish i could have seen that. why in the world did you let me start talking in metaphors? that's no way for us to break up. mrs. hallstrom, why don't you join my family for dinner. you'll love my grandma rosa. you can't turn down grandma rosa's lamb. mrs. hallstrom, join us. please. you must have thought about it. everyone does. the mission up in santa barbara. that's where i always go when i get out. my dad used to take me there when i was little. it's totally quiet. and you can see the ocean for miles. i'd like to drink a bottle of red wine with you and then make love to you and spend the whole night together. and we'd get up in the morning and spend hours lounging around and reading the paper. how can you even mention spaghetti- o's after eating grandma rosa's dinner tonight? tell the doctor. then it's over. it's a good thing my family loves you. you're right. i guess i was projecting. what i should have said is, "it's a good thing i love you." i do. it's ok. you don't have to say anything. your honor, i feel i should be released. i'm sufficiently able to look after. what? what? oh, right. i'm ready. how do i look? yes, sir. eleven, your honor. but i'm on a new medication now. yes, sir. my family is prepared to support me until i find a job. they've already located an apartment for me that's very near them. how's it hanging, paul? visitor for ms. mayer. i was brilliant, or at least boringly sane. not a one. no, you goof, i came to see you. i saw paul leaving. did you do the dirty deed? so, it's over? one bedroom, second floor, no view. no, i need some serious household advice. i better make a list. see you later, guys. aren't you supposed to throw a bouquet or something? where to? this is it -- 3b. check it out. close your eyes. ok. open them. you like it? throw pillows, letty. the sales lady said they're the latest thing. i was tired of watching what everyone else wants to watch. now we can watch two shows at once. you've got to see the kitchen first. do you like it? really? out? are you kidding? i've got all the fixings here. i like it. but headlines are better. hey. i think it's my turn. no. shhhh. letty? rise and shine. i'll be forced to tickle you. how about this? it's 10:30. i'll see you tonight. you, too. kick ass today. sounds good. oh, and letty? you've got one hell of a great body. i know, but as i said. i can do the job. right. thanks for your help. gosh, letty, this is a great place. how was your day? sounds grim. it doesn't matter. it'll work out. promise. as long as we have steak. it's a well-known fact that a red- meat dinner can cure the blues. you and beast wait here. i'll be back in a jiff. while i'm gone why don't you slip into something a little more naked? don't ever talk about me again, you hear me? the store was busy. would you mind if we just called it an early night? big restaurant interview tomorrow. you know, we've got that dinner with my parents tomorrow, too. i should really get some rest tonight. no, no, no. not now. no. four interviews. four no-gos. i couldn't even face that one. you don't have to take care of me, you know. just promise you'll love me even if i end up in a job where i have to wear a blue polyester cap. coming. hey, letty. mrs. mayer. aunt lily is the one who married your father's cousin? oh. and, harry, he's the one who likes magic? aunt lily? something like that. how about a dance? it wasn't exactly a lie. people at weddings don't want the truth. what's with this music? i'll go talk to the d.j. and see if we can't get something good going. always the drugs. i saw you talking to my mom. why'd you tell her i wasn't taking my meds? why'd you tell? silly? silly am i? silly, silly, silly. don't upset my mom. don't you upset my mom. not my mom. not my silly silly mom. come in. hey. i guess so. pretend like i'm your shrink. sorry. i'll be quiet. i sure know what that feels like. yeah, the plans. letty, please. like i've told you before i don't want you taking care of me. but that wasn't me. i didn't mean to do that. i don't know. i don't fucking know. i didn't mean for any of this to happen. what do you want to do? yeah, but can you stand to be with me like this? i know. i can't either. i love you too, letty. i love you, too. that's the best idea i've heard in a long time. how about something better? like a kiss. would that really be such a good idea for either of us? i will. and you make sure you take care of yourself. promise you won't fall for any guys pretending to be doctors. you should go.