treatment schedules are posted on the bulletin board. dinner at 6, lights out at 10 and no fraternizing between patients. that's the rec room. we show movies there on wednesdays and fridays. and this is the dining hall. just eat whatever you want. this will give you a chance to meet some people. it's ok, letty. i'll be right here with you. hi, gang. i want to introduce you to letty. letty, this is mrs. hallstrom and marie, and john and thomas. excuse me for interrupting, thomas, but we really should get some food. michael. michael, this is letty. she just arrived yesterday. this doctor thing has got to stop. what are you doing? mrs. hallstrom? come on. come with me, mrs. hallstrom. lights out, letty. letty, you should be in bed. yeah? sounds awful. i guess we better check it out. green spot. i don't know why you feel you have to lie, letty. if you feel lonely, or need to talk, all you have to do is say so. it's ok. it's good to let it out. did you ever tell paul how you felt? you can only do what feels best to you now. i'm glad. yes, of course. whenever you want. what is all this stuff? well, who exactly is it for? i see. can you wait a moment? i'm sorry, doctor. i just need a moment with mrs. hallstrom. they say she ordered. mrs. hallstrom, did you order a bunch of stuff, because federal express. your mother's in the rec room, letty. it's ok to be upset. dr. stone will ask you some questions, and then we'll get you settled. lights out in 15, guys. take care, letty. and, let me know if you need help with any spiders. he's in jamie's old room.