shut up! both of you! you're giving me a fuckin' headache. vincent's in the states on business. that it? okay. now i've got something i want to -- do you mind? i'm trying to do some business here. one more sound out of you and i'm going to cut your fuckin' tongue out. you take someone in. give them a steady job and how do they repay you? by claiming to misplace a shipment of your merchandise. you misplace your car keys. you misplace your cell phone. i don't know. what day is today? is it thursday already? this week has just shot by. you and your crew speak english, don't you? hey daniel! hello? do you guys speak english? good. i have a job for you in america. the taylors from chicago. very rich. an acquaintance of mine recently quit working for mrs. taylor as an assistant. she tells me they keep all their jewelry in a safe in their bedroom. thank you marcel, for that. extremely redundant explanation. the job is worth about two million euros. pull this off and you and your crew could make some real money, daniel. you leave tomorrow. i thought i would accompany you to the airport to say bon voyage. and tell you that marcel will be going with you. this is a considerable move up for you, daniel. the temptation of having so much money might be too much for you. i don't trust anyone. you don't get to the top of this game by trusting people. and after all, you are a thief. it's in your nature to steal. i'm just protecting my investment. stop it! both of you! hello? who? marcel? you're there now? you're calling me on your cell phone, right? you're calling me on is phone? my number's going to show up on his bill! you've already robbed the safe? take what you've got and get out of there. hello? daniel. listen i'm afraid there has been a big-- a million! i don't have that kind of money. i don't have it. that's why vincent went to chicago. they arrested him before he could bring it back. oh, merde!